12. Lost

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Back again with another shot. Just a random thought and wrote on it. Enjoy reading.

Vansh POV,

Vansh waited for her to come and have a last talk with her. He was determined that he would try till the last minute to get her back in his life. It was his mistake that he took her granted. And now, thats made him stand here - all alone. He felt broken for whatever he did.

This was her favorite place. She would beg him literally to come here. She always felt there was something special about this place but he never accepted it. Moreover he felt it was a plain area. Was it his mentality to see things like this?? As today he agreed with her,  there was something speciality about it, maybe the peace or calmful air or some sort of positivity, he didn't know how to mention it.
He was out of words.

His eyes traveled from one corner to another trying to acquire everything present there. His eyes stuck at the elderly couple, whom she always points out to him. Neither he was interested in watching them nor he listened to her words about them. She always says, when they grow old, would be like them. He watched them. They were playing cards as if there is big sort of competition going on. None of the partner gave a chance to lose. At times the elderly man, distracted his wife and looked at her cards. Unknowingly a smile appeared at his lips. He thought it was indeed a joy to watch them.

For a moment he was lost in the time spend with her. They had undergone various incidents from revenge to love, mistrust to trust.....and all the emotions were at extreme level that it had hurted both of them very badly. He still doesn't know was it his obsession to never let her leave him which made him to stop her, from knowing about her parents. The anger that build in him when he got to know about abortion incident, he himself got separated from her. He still curse that moment, only if he knew what was she facing......he wouldn't have to stand here.....

All the while she hid her pain and tried to protect their baby but his mistake made her undergo miscarriage. If only she could have confronted with him that there was someone behind their baby...... He wouldn't have ignored or left her alone. After knowing it was chachi, Aryan and anupriya behind it, he made sure they were all behind the bars. But time was too late, the emotional trauma of his ignorance, getting to know truth of her parents and her stress level of protecting the baby led her to miscarriage.

She didn't say anything but just left the house without letting him know.
Maybe she couldn't tolerate anymore and there was no chance of apologizing to her because it was beyond apology. Her only source of contact was with Angre. She always considered him as her brother. Angre also returned the same. It was Angre, who helped her to get back to a job and made her settle. Even though she didn't want to bother him, he never let her escape. His only relief was her contact with Angre.

He questioned himself,  didn't he wanted to spend his life with her like a rollercoaster ride? Didn't he wanted to share all his problems? Didn't he wanted to fulfill all the promises he gave? Did he actually took care of her? Did he really took her granted? Was all the actions fare for him and not for her? Didn't she proved to be loyal to him? Didn't she tried all the ways to let him go of his fear and make him love the baby? Was his love fake? What was it?

He closed his ears tightly to stop the mental questions torturing him.  He opened his eyes and left his hand from ears. A tear escaped from his eyes.

It was almost sunset. She didn't appear yet. He knew and understood she wouldn't turn up. He took a deep breath and mentally said sorry to her. He didn't want to force her to come back to his life after all the incident happened. There was no point in convincing her, when he was the soul reason for all the pains she went through. He didn't know what's next?  All he could do was pray for her well being. But deep within, he wished if she only returned.

End of shot 12. Will be back with another shot.

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