2. The blame game

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Kindly ignore grammatical mistakes. Enjoy reading.

Ridhima gets to know vihaan is vansh.

Ridhima : Why did you play this dirty game all the while when you could have directly come and punish me?
Vansh : Because you deserve to be punished like this, making you pay for every pains you created. Do you know how hurt I was when kabir said your truth? When you tried to kill my sister??
Ridhima : Stop blaming me only. You are also equally responsible for the damage happened. In fact we both are responsible for sia condition.
Vansh : are you trying to escape by accusing me?
Ridhima : No, but need to say this. Did you take my permission to get married to you? Weren't you the one who left me with no other choice other than marrying you, when I had given you the resignation letter. My biggest mistake in my life is being born as an orphan. Your so called brother played very well with my mind and used me to punish you. Tell me one thing if you were at my situation won't you be loyal to your partner? I was afraid when kabir said he would kill himself, if I didn't get married to you to complete his mission. Trusting his words and being afraid of losing loved one, yes I did get married to you. But then I started loving you when I got to know you. But we both were not ready to trust each other or should I say the circumstances made us tend to believe that we both were cheating each other................. Haven't I tried a no of chance to let me tell you my past. But what did you say? That it doesn't matter it to you. Then how could you trust kabirs word before listening to me? Haven't you promised me to punish those who attacked me, no of times in front of you, specially by your family members. Did you punish them? Did you ever find out it was chachi and Aryan who dumped me in the dickey, ishani who put fire to the room letting me not breathe or Aryan who placed me on the day of....? No, if you haven't fulfilled your promise how could you believe that I would do the same? You promised me to get sejal in front of me. Where is she?........... Yes, I have done mistakes..........It was me who helped ragini reach kabir thinking you would kill her. How many times have I asked you to tell me about ragini? Have you ever???? I'm not behind your sisters condition. I know you won't trust me. Let me ask you one thing did she completely tell you that I tried to attack her or was it someone else who made you believe I did it.

She took a pause getting exhausted and continued, "  After seeing you falling in front of me from the cliff, did you ever know what I went through. I survived only to help your family when your so called brother came dramatically to get your rights to him. He threatened me to kill ishani and baby if I wouldn't have married him. All I could do was to get help from a look alike person of you. About the case of property do you expect me to take it just because I'm an orphan. I wanted the name of property mine so that he wouldn't harm daadi. If he needed to reach it the threat would be only for me. And yes, being in disguise of vihaan, couldn't you find out what was going on? Or rather you was interested in hurting me everytime....... What do you guys think of yourselves. I'm not a toy who can use it anyway, anytime just like that and throw it away. Just because I'm an orphan doesn't mean that I don't have any value, respect or rights.

She cried out. The family members could look at her only. At last daadi came near and hugged her.
Ridhima : I'm sorry daadi.... I know I have breaked your trust....
Daadi didn't say anything.
Ridhima : I promise you I won't trouble you anymore. Neither I have the energy for all this dramas. Please forgive me......
She goes near vansh and says, " you can still punish me but you won't get any satisfaction as you have already hurt me to that extent. I won't go from here until you ask me to do so. I will be waiting till you get to know the truth. "
She said eyeing Kabir and Anupriya. She left to the room having no more tears in her eyes.

Vansh couldn't see his love going in front of him lifeless. She misunderstood him again but yes what ever she said was only the truth. He had to still continue the act of not believing her. Only for her. He needed to get back the peace that was long left from this house. He needs to eliminate those who have hurted his closed ones. He needed to get her back in his life. He needed to give all the love she wanted. He know she won't easily forgive him. He eyed his mom and kabir. Kabir.... the one who played very well with his love. He wouldn't leave him for hurting and using her.

He asked everyone except angre to leave back to their room as there would be no more drama for today. He signalled Angre to come along to plan something big for the cheaters who thought they have won the game.

End of 2nd shot. Hope so you enjoyed reading it.

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