10. Is everything fair in love and war?

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Back to another one shot, continuation of previous day episode where he tries to handcuff her. Kindly ignore any grammatical mistakes and enjoy reading.

Vansh tries to make her eat. He knew she wasn't happy with whatever he is doing but he didn't have any other options. He needed her in his life and he would go to any extent. He left her to do the rest of arrangements for wedding.

When he returned he got to see a mess ridhima, holding her head in between her knees. He went near her and hold her face. She was crying. He scanned her from head to toe. He could see the red lines in her wrist which appeared as she might have tried to get rid of the hand cuffs, he understood her helplessness. He got heart to see her in that condition.

Vansh : Why Ridhima?? Why are trying to hurt yourself? I can't see you like this? Your tears it hurts me, the marks on your wrist kills me. Please don't hurt me like this.
Ridhima didn't say anything.
Vansh : speak something ridhima.....
Ridhima : What's the use?? Would you listen to me?? No, right then what's the point of talking to you.
Vansh : Ridhima you are being stubborn with the things that are not going to help us in any way on our future.
Ridhima : then why are you fearing to say it off?? Why do you want to keep secrets in between our relationship? Why?? Just end it off.
She cried.
He cupped her face. He tried to wipe tears from her face but she moved backwards.
Vansh : Do you hate me??
Ridhima : What do you think?
Vansh : I'm doing all this for us. I don't want to lose you. Everything is fair in love and war.
Ridhima gave him a questioning look.
Ridhima : is really everything fair in love and war? What's the use of winning love by hurting others emotions?? Do you think so the other person will be happy?

He didn't have an answer for that. They remained like that for sometime. Sia came looking for them.
Sia : Did I disturb you guys??
Vansh : What is it Sia?
Sia : Really?? You are asking me what is it?? There is only 1 hour for wedding and you both haven't got ready yet?? You can continue your romance after wedding.
Vansh : we will come.
Sia : okay but come fast. Daadi will scold me.
Vansh : hmm
Sia left the duo.

Vansh went to washroom and changed. He looked more handsome in the groom attire. But there wasn't any happiness in his face. He thought of how he wanted their wedding to be the best with equal involvement from both. But this remained him of his first wedding with ridhima where he forced her to marry him. This was more or less same like that.

He went near her and removed the handcuffs. He gave her bridal attire and asked her to change. No option left with her, she went to the washroom. When the bathroom door opened he couldn't take his eyes off from Ridhima. She was looking gorgeous. He holded her and brought near the mirror and started to do her makeup. He put medicine on her wrist that had turned to red due to her stubborness.

He finally placed her shawl. He placed his hands on her hand and sat in front of her on his knees.
Vansh : I don't want this wedding to happen in this way. I don't want to see your face with disappointment, hurt, angry, helplessness in your face. I will tell you about my past.

He paused for a while and then took a deep breath. " Your parents were accidentally hit by my car........ I didn't mean to kill them......It was my anger on myself that led to all this...... I was at the worst when mom died..... I just wanted to get rid of myself...... That out of anger I took car and went out....... But I didn't know that my carelessness would lead to someone's death........ I didn't intentionally do it ridhima...... Trust me........ After coming out of juvenile home I searched for their details but got to know only about their son...... Daadi had brought him to our house............ Yes ridhima......Angre is your brother....... He doesn't know he has a sister...... All he knows that his parents met with an accident ...........
I'm sorry........... I didn't want you to know the truth only fearing you would leave me...... I cannot bear it ridhima....... I truly love you.............

Tears fell down from his eyes. He wiped of his tears and moved forward.
Vansh : Now you can decide whether you want to stay with me or not......I will be waiting for you at the wedding hall........ Even if you don't want to stay with me, I will follow you till you forgive me...... Because I can't live without you....... Or else I would give up my life.....

He moved out of the room letting her decide what she wants.....

End of shot 10.

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