9. How long?

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Sorry for the late updates. Enjoy the new os and kindly ignore any mistakes.

Vansh Pov
How long should I wait to get her back? How long have I needed to wait for getting my old Ridhima back? How long is she going to ignore me? Why did I have to hurt her to this extent where she became like a lifeless soul? Why????

This questions were taunting and hurting Vansh each and every day. He blamed himself for the day where he had to ask her to kill Kabir?? Why??? He thought.

Ridhima : No Vansh, I can't kill anyone....
Vansh : You have to....
Ridhima : tell me any other way other than killing him....
Vansh : it's the only demand I have. Now it's your turn to choose whether to do it or it. He left her.

She couldn't believe what he said. She knew she had hurt him and is ready to mend it but to kill someone is out of her way. She cried but was ignored by Vansh. She went back to her room and started thinking of her moments with Vansh from the very first day till yesterday. She got out of her trance when Vansh came in. She went up to him and asked him, " I will do as you say but before that I need an answer to my question... " . He asked her to go ahead.
Ridhima : So what all happened in glass house between us, was it all your revenge against me or something else? Did you do that knowing that I have cheated you? Did you just use me? What was it all about??

Vansh remained in silence. He didn't know how to answer her. For a moment he even questioned himself whether it was out of love or was it revenge? His mind shouted at him it was love but he wasn't ready to accept it because of his ego.

She knew he couldn't answer her. She turned back regreting the moment she gave herself to him. She could have waited till she get to know his real self.

After their conversation, she remained within herself. However Vansh tried to provoke her, she didn't respond. She was lost completely. She stopped responding to any of the family members except angre. It was only with Angre she talked and that too not much. She felt him as her brother. It was the same for him too. Vansh in order to hurt her made her out of the mansion. She didn't complain. She just obeyed and moved out without pleading him. It was tough for him to see her like that. It was later when Sia woke up he got to know her truth. He went to call her back. She came back just a like a robot without any emotions and conversations. However the family apologized to her, it was like she never heard that.

Vansh tried many ways to get her back, trying to make her jealous by flirting with another girl, trying to harm himself..... But she never responded. There wasn't any reaction from her side. Fearing the way she acted he took her to a counselor but nothing worked. He didn't know how to mend her. He cried.

Flashback ends,

He looked at Ridhima who was sleeping. He went near her and told, " enough Ridhima, I can't bear this pain anymore. I know I have hurted to that extent but please don't torture me like this. I can't...... We have to start our life once again..... How I wished to convince you whatever happened in the glass house wasn't my revenge. It was pure love for you. I can't see you with anyone else. Yes it had hurted me when I got to know Kabirs truth. I couldn't bear that you loved him before me. I'm sorry.......... How long should I wait for you?? How long will I have to try to get you back?? How long??? But I wouldn't stop trying..... Even if it years......

Tears came out of his eyes. Unknown to him tears fell down from her eyes too.

End of part 9.

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