5. Jealousy

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Kabir couldn't tolerate ridhima with Vansh or so called imposter Vihaan. He thought why he felt annoying whenever he sees her with him. He only used her for the mission and acted as he had feelings for her. But now he felt, he wasn't acting but he actually had feelings for her. He wanted her at any cost. It would have all happened if the imposter didn't arrive on time for their wedding. Whereas at the other end Vihaan didn't even appreciated the presence of Kabir with Ridhima. He was paid for acting like Vansh then why is he getting concerned or attracted to her. He didn't know. He would approach in front of Kabir as a savior, whenever Kabir tries to talk with her. He acted as, Ridhima is claimed for him and Kabir didn't have any rights to even look at her. But to be honest neither Ridhima liked Kabir's nor Vihaan's presence. She had to bear them until everything gets set. In her mind she only belonged to Vansh. Not even the imposter have the right to claim her.

During her birthday, Kabir planned to spike the drink of Vihaan to let his truth come out in front of everyone. But to his surprise it was accidentally drunk by Ridhima. She couldn't understand what was going around her. Kabir slowly caught hold of her and took her out of the hall. She was laughing like a baby. Kabir for a second felt lost in her beauty and actions. He was drawn to her. But suddenly her laugh went to sad face. She started crying.
Ridhima : Kabir..... I hate you....... You killed my Vansh.....
Kabir tired to hold her, but she didn't let him. She started beating him.
Kabir : Stop it Ridhima....  Stop.... I haven't killed him. If he had deliberately jumped from the cliff then what's the point of blaming me?
She stopped for a second and started beating him again.
Kabir ( angry) : urgh......stop it
Ridhima ( sad) : Why did you tell him my truth. You shouldn't have done that. Do you know how much I love him....
Kabir : But you loved me....
Ridhima (sad and angry) : No... I didn't.... It was my mistake that I didn't know your true face.....
Kabir : But still you have a chance to love me... since your so called husband is dead. 
He told her so that she would confess the truth of Vansh. It would be a proof for him too...
Ridhima looked at him angrily and said, " Who said you my Vansh is dead???? Who said you??? He....is......alive.... "
Kabir : Do you really claim that imposter to be your husband??

She paused for a while and suddenly laughed. He understood she was in the effects of drink.
Kabir : May I know why are you laughing now??
Ridhima ( without stopping her laugh) : ha....ha.... I can't imagine your situation when Vansh will get to know how you had hurted me...... ha.... ha.....
Kabir mentally says to himself, " so she thinks Vansh is much stronger and better than him...... "

Meanwhile Vihaan was searching for her. He stopped when he heard her sound coming from the pool area. He went to look for her. He started getting angry when he saw her with Kabir. " Why is she laughing with this man?? " thought Vihaan. He went near them. She was walking on the edge of swimming pool. She was about to fall when both of them caught her.

Vihaan looked at Kabir. Kabir removed his hands from her.
Vihaan : Since her husband is here now, you can leave.
Kabir : I just helped her.
Vihaan : Her husband is there to help her.
Kabir gets irritated when he said her husband. 

Vihaan : What is there to laugh so much. Tell me the joke I will also laugh....
The tone he used clearly indicated his unhappiness and jealousy. But the poor soul Ridhima wasn't in a form to understand that...
Ridhima looked at him innocently. Then she did something that was unexpected for both of them. She pushed him and run through the edge of pool. " Catch me if you can.... " she clapped her hands and said looking at both of them. Vihaan got irritated and annoyed at her plays. " are you really in your sense Ridhima ?? " he asked her. " No, she is drunk.. " kabir replied him. Vihaan looked at her mentally slapping himself thinking what he is going to do with this girl. " Who gave you the drink? " he asked eyeing Kabir. But there wasn't time for replying both of their attention turned to Ridhima, who laughed like a maniac and run. Kabir went through the other side to catch her. Vihaan also went to hold her. But seems like she was in a great playing mood. However they tried, couldn't get hold of her. Kabir was about to catch her but unluckily she moved aside making Kabir fall to the pool.

She laughed at him. Taking this as a chance Vihaan got hold of her. " Anyways Kabir, I think so you can leave now. I will take care of her. "
Kabir getting angry left the duo.

She was trying to get rid of his hold. Vihaan got angry.
Vihaan : Stay !!! Dare you move....
Ridhima stopped fearing his voice. She stood like a obedient child. Vihaan couldn't stop the smile that was forming in his face looking at the cute innocent version of her. All of sudden she started crying. He didn't understand what happened with her...
Vihaan : Ridhima what happened???
Ridhima (cutely) : You scolded me....
Vihaan ( irritated ) : drama queen.......

Vihaan picked her in his arms and took her to the bedroom. " Stay here till I come back " He said. She nodded at him. He came back with lemon water and asked her to drink. She made faces while drinking. He smiled looking at her cute antics. He made her lay down and covered with the duvet.
Vihaan : Stay away from Kabir. I can't see you with him.
Ridhima (curiosily) : Why???
Vihaan : Because you are not allowed. You are only claimed to be with Vansh.
Ridhima ( sobbing) : But he left me...
Vihaan : No, he didn't........ He will come in front of you at the right time......
Ridhima : No... He won't..... He is angry with me.....
Vihaan : Do you think so??
Ridhima didn't answer but looked at him. She slowly drifted to the sleep.

Vihaan looked at her. " Just few more days ........this drama will come to an end with lots of twists and turns... You might get a lot of hurt..... Maybe to the extent you would lose yourself...... But after all that, you can start your life fresh without the barriers of trust, responsibilities and doubt with Vansh.........." he said holding her hand.

End of shot 5.

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