Era's Night

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  I am so sorry I didn't post. But all last week I lost my Wi-Fi. I was so upset. I couldn't really watch tv or make calls. So I spent most of my time sleeping and doing work.

  "So you mean to tell me they weren't mad at Cindererror for leaving the house and attracting Prince Ice's attention?" Cross asks interrupting me.

  "All's fair in Money and Life"


  Cindererror awoke in the bed before sneezing several times.

  Their body slowly changes into it's final form. Era Mitake. Black, Blue and Red.

  The dress sweeping down to their feet. Unlike Silver. They were actually glowing. The most spectacular dress is the most stylistically simple like the gold dress.

  The rich colors made the clothes seem to draw attention away from the face. Cindererror greeted the last day with a smile and an open mind.

  The palace doors open and crowds of people step into the morning buffet. The prince's have their eyes trained on the door for the most stunning of them all to set their plan in action. And finally the prince's spot Cindererror. The guards stand close watch of the most stunning of them all.

  Of course it annoyed Cindererror that they had guards breathing down their back while they were getting breakfast, but they made an effort not to care as Cindererror gets cranky when hungry.

  The day continues by when the time comes after digestion is watching a play.

  Then the first dances of the afternoon. Era spun dancing in such a way that confused their partner. Then they bowed and switched partners before bowing before the next partner and dancing to the next song.

  When evening came Era was exhausted. And when the prince came up to ask Era for a dance Era responded:

  'I am so sorry your majesty, I mustn't, I couldn't, I shouldn't. No matter how much my heart dearly does so.'

  Prince Ice left for another partner to dance with while Era passed out at the table.

  When Era awoken people where looking and whispering. Faces of disgust and sneers echoed around the room. Era felt lightheaded and went to seek water. Only they were in cuffs and their hands were locked away.

  The Familia waves goodbye as they see Cindererror being taken by the guards and blindfolded.

  Era was shoved into a room and the door was locked behind them.

  They called for Dude, but their voice couldn't be heard.

  Era Mitake transformed back into Cindererror in the sleep gown.

  Cindererror was in a bedroom. The door jostled behind them and keys opened the door.

  The blindfold was removed. Prince Ice stood before them.

  Prince Ice told Cinder how they were now his fiancée and they were to be wed in a week.

Cindererror looked out at the full moon behind them. Dude is to come home on the full moon. Ever since Dude arrived in Cinder's life the moon phases became wonky.

  The prince left Cindererror in the room to think locking the door behind him. Cinder was on the highest floor of the castle. Too steep to think of climbing out of the window.

  Cinder waited, and waited. Food and water came in and empty dishes went out. Clean clothes came in and dirty clothes went out. But Cinder refused to part with the silk dress Dude gave to them.

  When the day of the wedding came they dragged Cinder out of the room and shoved them into a traditional white wedding dress fit for a princess.

  Cindererror was Cindererror to the ball and they were just about to be wed until Dude burst in.


  "Dang right! Stop the wedding!"

  "... Do I need to stop?"

  "No!! Continue." Cross says fanning his hands at me.


  So Dude stood panting and yelled for the wedding to stop. Cinder stood at the altar.

  The officiate raised their hand and asked why the wedding was stopped.

  The fairy challenged for the hand of Cindererror. The crowd looked expectantly at Cindererror waiting for their choice. The prince or the fairy.

  Cinder looked at the prince, then back at the fairy.

  Cindererror ran to Dude's side.

  The people were surprised and questioned their choice.

  Cindererror only said:

  'I would rather be with someone who will help my dreams come true.'

  The prince in anger took the crystal slippers Cindererror had left the other day and poured a liquid over it cursing the fairy and Cindererror in rage. Banishing them forever from the realm into the crystal slippers which he kept locked away. The only way to break the curse was to bring the slippers to the fairies' and put one in the temple of light and the temple of darkness.

  The prince separated the slippers and ordered for the other to be shattered into a million pieces sealed up tight away from people's sight.

  [The End]

  "Why didn't they get a happy end?"

  "Because, how could they have a happy one?" I shrug.

  "Yeah, but the end is depressing."

  "At least they are together forever. Even if they live in glass slippers." I state.

  He in turn picked me up and tossed me over his shoulders and I felt like some kind of neck animal. He dumped me onto the mat and flopped over on the other mat that is on the other side of the flames.

  "Perhaps we can check up later on the  Anti-void. Perhaps it will be safer." Cross tells me before dozing off.

  "Okay." I whisper closing my eyes and shutting down for the night.

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