Potential virus

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I am glad you made it to the 13th update. If you are confused you might have missed some chapter. That's okay. You can make up for it here...

"Good morning Error. Do you know why I called you?" Mr. 404 asks.

"No and I don't know why you called me at such a flipping early time either, yet here we are." I groan. I was sleeping/ hanging myself until this baka came and woke me up.

"Well get to what you are trying to say." I tell him.

"It's a shame," He starts. "I should have killed you earlier but I didn't get the chance. I was a fool to teach you how to use your powers. But I would have been a coward to kill a small child who knew nothing. It was fun knowing you." He tells me before getting up and attacking me.

"But what are you talking about everything all the hard work I did for you?" I ask dodging an attack.

"It was a lie to use your true potential!" He yells attacking me further. "I could care less if you killed them or not. They would have killed you anyways!"

I was slammed to the floor by an attack. Then making a dash for the door I escape.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks. He uses his strings and drags me back to him. He then takes his foot and places it on the side of my face.

Despite having my face between his foot and the floor I feel I brought it on myself for trusting him. Mr. 404 began crushing my skull against the floor until it shattered leaving me with a grillby like fire head only it was blackish blue and where my eyes were are red circles.

I dash away into the main universe before he could catch me off guard again.

Stumbling through the empty underground I fallen into I search for a corner to curl into. My skull shattered and I am at low health. I don't know when my head will grow back. Or if it would ever grow back. For now. I can travel around without someone noticing I am the destroyer. I just look like a fire- skeleton monster. There is nowhere to hide.

Perhaps the surface will be better for hiding.

The surface. The many cities had many people and the places I wanted to hide were filled with people, normally teens sitting in quiet places disrespecting the laws and each other.

Grillby's? Maybe I could stop by. Hopefully he won't mind.

I step in and order a simple fries. It's not much but I can't have that much or I will get sick.

Eating my fries in silence one of the dogs came up and sat next to me. He looked at my plate of fries as if he wanted some so I did the logical thing and dumped a lot of ketchup on them. His face immediately drooped and he walked away. If I had trusted him to sit next to me I would have made the same mistake as the guy at the other table who got all of his fries snatched, and the other guy who also got his fries stolen.

The kill or be killed world that the flower always seemed to be talking about seemed more real. A dog eat dog world. I had to be the biggest fish so that I wouldn't get preyed on and become the next meal. The only way to stay safe is to make every one dust I'd have to become the hunter. The apex predator. Everyone should be below me, and I shall answer to no one.

It all made sense. The dog came back and looked at my fries again even after stealing ten rounds of fries from people around me. The moment he stuck his hands close my knife met his hand. Of course the knife was plastic but that didn't stop me from letting it jab the top of his hand and teaching him a lesson that I was the one in charge here.

I strolled the streets with a new sense of my identity. Taking what I wanted and doing what ever the heck I desired.

I escorted myself to the anti-void and began to make a life for myself. The world needs a bad guy right. Okay, I'll be the bad guy.

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