Hime: Highschool Sweethearts

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[I want a gingerbread man]

  "I thought you'd hate me forever." I whispered to him.

  "Well, if it wasn't for you, I would have still been in what was left of my home. Ink would have never let me leave. Besides, why would I hate someone like you when I made just about all the same mistakes as you."

  "I guess you really have taken more than my soul. Now, you have to give me yours." He says giving a glare.


  His hands tickled my ribcage and summoned my soul.

  "Yes, it's mine!"

  "No!!" I yell swatting his hands away from my poor soul. My soul blinding red in color dripping. I quickly shoved my soul back into myself upon seeing that.

  "Too late. I got it." Cross whispers the clear red liquid drips off his finger. Then he licked his finger.

  "Ew! That is fudging disgusting." I squeal, pushing him away cringing.

  He chose to howl with laughter instead of saying anything else.

  I point at him as I slowly backed up out of the pool.

  He can relish the win for now.

  The fridge was calling my name for some reason. I could make out from the blurring or the black crystal that there was some wrapper in there. I pull open the crystal fridge and lights click on from inside and cold air exits the fridge into the room.

  "Chocolate." I smirk. I snatch it and eat it. Until I realized something was in it.

  What the fuji?

  I spit out the hard thing and discovered it was... a nut.

  "Awe man that is gross." I walk over to the trash bin a cough out the rest of the nut and the read the wrapper of the chocolate.

  It read: Nuts, Nuts, Nutty Chocolate.

  Well. Dam.

I picked out the nuts from the chocolate and ate the chocolate. And threw the nuts in the garbage.

  I walked to the fridge to see if there was any more chocolate when something that wasn't there before caught my eye. A big switch on the wall.

  Before I let the curiosity get the best of me I call Cross over.

  He came with great speed to my side.

  "What? I don't know what that is. I will move the fridge over. You click it after I move it." He orders.

  Cross moves the fridge and signals for me to push it.

  Once I do. A hallway wider than the counters appears. Which means it's not part of this multiverse.

  I walk in and Cross follows close behind.

  "It's cold." Cross whispers to me.

  "Shh, I hear something." I tell him putting a finger to my mouth.

  Down the hallway was steps going down lower.

  It seems like three multiverses stuck to each other. A crystal one, A hallway and now down the stairs I sense our universe. There as cells lining the walls and weapons and torture items hanging from the ceiling. But the most horrifying thing was that Dream was there waiting at the end like the creep he is.

  What does he know? I am anxious but I held back my feelings. How is Cross holding up? He is weak when it comes to Dream.

  "Dream?" Cross asks stepping forwards pushing me out of the way.

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