Guiding Light- Foy Vance, Ed Sheeren

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Hi guys, I hope you all love this book!
Each chapter will have a song title that I feel best represents the chapter.  This one is Guiding Light by Foy Vance and it embodies the love that this family feels for each other.
Okay: enjoy!!!!

My name is Sage Amelia Santiago Montoya and I am a princess.  Great way to start this off huh?  My family and I live in a gorgeous castle in Scandonia and I love my life.  Of course, why wouldn't I, I'm a princess.

I've had everything handed to me, but my parents have been incredibly kind and humble my whole life.  I have three older brothers, Joseph, Adam, and Kyle, and a little sister Rose.  My sister is my best friend and all three of my brothers will die before they let anything happen to us, though most of the time they enjoy shoving pillows in my face and farting at the dinner table when we don't have guests.

My family has always loved to laugh, we all love each other so much.  I know, it's rare that the female protagonists have good relationships with BOTH their parents, but I'm one of a kind I suppose.

Though our castle is beautiful, and our people wait on us hand and foot, my parents have always taught me and my siblings about the importance of hard work.  Each sibling tends after their own horse, taking turns mucking and cleaning the stalls, and every morning we have chores.  Rose gets the eggs from our chickens, Kyle walks the dogs, Adam mows the lawn and Joseph works in the kitchen.

Joseph has always been such an amazing chef, it's perfect, he makes all of our breakfasts.  That's another big thing we do, we all have breakfast together, every single morning.  I don't think in my entire life I've ever not had breakfast with my family.  Once I had strep throat and my entire family came up and had breakfast in my room with me.  Kyle turned on cartoons and we ended up staying in there for a couple hours, everyone doting on me.

My job in the mornings is to gather the herbs from the garden, and honestly, I think my chore is the best.  Being with all the fresh smells in the greenhouse gives me the best start to my day.  I also check the peppers and carrots and cucumber that should be sprouting any day now, the peppers almost the perfect color to be picked.

Yes, I love my family and my country more than anything.  I just finished college, getting a double masters degree of political science and teaching, as I've always love working with children.  Luckily I was able to study and get my degree while still living at home, so I could be with my family.  It also meant I was done with college quicker than most, so I'm 23 with two masters.

I can't imagine ever leaving.  This morning I pick the herbs that look perfect and head to the kitchen, where Joseph is cooking up something that smells amazing.

"That smells amazing!" I say closing my eyes and inhaling the smell of what I think is waffles.  I look over and see pancakes, I was close.  I steal a raspberry off the counter and Joseph swats my hand away. "Joey." I whine and he kisses my cheek.

"You can't take my ingredients." He says with a smile.  All three of my brothers were handsome and kind, but I think Joseph is the most handsome.  He has golden blonde hair that all of us have, but his is curly, and matched with his stone hard jaw and tall frame, all of the girls in school would kill to become a princess and marry him.  They would be so lucky, all of my brothers are amazing.

I hear Rose yell "oh my god what's for breakfast?" and she bounds into view with two baskets of eggs.

"Pancakes." Joey responds and she smiles. 
Rose and I could be twins if it were for the age difference.  She just turned 18 last month, so she's five years younger than me, but we still get along the best and look so similar.

"Pancakes!" I hear Kyle shout as he walks in, Adam following him, covered in dirt.

Kyle ruffles my hair and I stick my tongue out at him, earning a disapproving look from Adam.  All three of my brothers are incredibly immature, but Adam is a little more responsible and reasonable.  He's the one most fit to be King I believe, but he's second in line, the first being Joseph.  None of my brothers resent him for it, in fact they encourage him daily telling him that he'll be amazing, just like our father. 

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