Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything uncle Rick does except for the mortals I've added.


Percy's POV:

When Annabeth disappeared I started to freak out.

Annabeth?! Annabeth! what happened?! Where are you?!

During my freak out I some how forgot I was falling, I looked down and screamed, next thing I knew I was sitting up right on the gym bleachers with my friends looking at me with concern, my class mates looking at me in confusion and Annabeth a mixture of of confusion, concern and guilt? I'll ask her later I thought. I helped Annabeth up (since she was sitting on the ground) I pulled her into my lap and just hugged her she asked me,

"Who did you say set you off"

"John. You remember me saying that?"

"Yea I do. Percy what just happened? what was that?"

"i don't know wise girl don't worry we'll figure it out we'll see if we can visit the gods sometime ok. Who set you off?"

"Adam did. Percy I think we should tell our mortal friends about the whole demigod thing. I'm getting really sick of blacking out every day."

"yea maybe we should, I'll talk to the others (demigods) after class"

"ok" we were interrupted by a voice we had heard a million times on The Argo 2 usually it's screaming something like DIE DIRT FACE!!! Or something along those lines,

"All right cupcakes! Dodgeball time!" we got up and walked into the center of the court "Jackson and Darrian are team captains Jackson picks first", Madi was right in front of me waving her arms in my face to get my attention I ignored her and almost laughed I could see all my other friends, demigods and mortals alike were struggling to keep straight faces.

"Annabeth!" I said straight away

"Kevin" (Darrian)




It went on like that until there was no one left, thankfully all my demigod and mortal friends were in my team including a couple of others that are considered 'nerds'. Couch Hedge lined up all of the dodgeballs in the middle of the court, when he walked of the court he blew his whistle, a few of our mortal team mates ran to get the balls but the demigods had a plan we waited for the other team to throw all the balls onto our side in sad attepts to get us out in a matter of minutes only the demigods (not surprising) and our mortal friends (a bit surprising) were left on our side only the jocks were left on the other side Annabeth and the other girls got Queen B**ch and her posse out earlier (they seemed overly happy about that for some reason). Darrian had been trying to get me out all game he was prowling around the court looking for any weak points of course there wern't any as I had Annabeth at my back. The other side had almost all of the balls we had three they had the rest, they had the numbers and the balls to take us all out as I was thinking all of this Annabeth said

"Tell the others to hold the balls we have and call for a time out, I think I've figured out what they are trying to do to get us all out"

"Sure thing" I ran over to the others

"Guys! hold the balls you have"

"How come?"

"Annabeth has a plan"

"And we're just supposed to listen to her and take her word for it!?" One of my mortal friends Marina said Cassidy then joined in

"Yeah! All you guys have been doing since you've been back is be secretive about absolutely everything where you were, why you disappeared in the first place, why you keep blacking out-" I cut her off there and I told her as calmly as possible because I understood where she was coming from and she was kissing me off so I said

"ok I get it Cassie I do just trust me on this and I'll explain after school ok?"

"ugh! Fine" she was clearly frustrated the others agreed as well

"Ok good. Couch! Could we call a time out!"

"make it quick Jackson"

"ok thanx couch. Hey guys c'mere" I said while I waved them over once everyone had walked/jogged to where I was I said

" ok then everyone just listen to Annabeth she knows what she's doing" I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at me

"what!? Can't I brag about the fact that I have a super smart girlfriend" she blushed a little at this

"Yeah, yeah anyway guys I think I've figured out what they're trying to do its pretty simple actually and kinda obvious but whatever anyway they're going to try and throw a ball at us each at the same time also at the same time they're going to yell sonthing to confuse us and try to get us all out at once, we have to be ready for this so when you see the signs that they're about to throw/yell get ready to catch the ball or dodge, if you catch it throw it straight back at them so they won't see it coming, those who already have balls try to get the stragglers ok, you guys all good with that?" She asked this while looking around at the others

"Yeah I think so, but what if it dosent work?" Adam asked this I think he immediately regretted it though because Annabeth gave him a look that said 'it's gonna work so shut your mouth and go with it unless you want to be screamed at' she was about to say something but I cut her off and looked at Adam giving him a pleading look that said 'dangerous ground go with it please' while I said

"Adam it'll work ok" he replied a little to quickly to be convincing

"ok, all good" Annabeth relaxed a bit after that and sent everyone back to their various positions on the court. When we were all in position Couch Hedge blew his whistle, it all happened pretty fast after that as soon as the whistle blew the balls were flying every which way, we caught them and threw them back so fast it was crazy when we had to dodge the balls I swear I saw my demigod friends do back flips and air splits and stuff, my mortal friends did some pretty weird stuff as well it was so fun though and soon enough only Darrian was left he wouldn't give up even though he had lost his whole team he stood there defiant so I threw the ball I had in my hand at the time but I aimed wrong, I had aimed a little to far down and got him somewhere the gods only intended to be treated nicely, the other bad (but hilarious) thing was as I threw my ball Jason and Leo threw their's and they both hit him right in the face at the same time mine hit him...there, we all burst out laughing while he sat there and whimpered I know I should've felt bad but I really didn't. We all laughed for a good 10 minutes while Darrien (with the help of multiple friends) went to the sick bay to get ice packs, once he had left the gym we stopped laughing and helped Couch Hedge pack up the dodgeballs, we did that in relitive silence then went to the change rooms to get changed into our proper clothes that took us all about 5 minutes once we had all finished we went to meet the girls for maths. We met up with the girls at the lockers we all grabbed our stuff and made our way to class, of course I was hand in hand with Annabeth while the others were hand in hand with their own BF/GF (AN: just an fyi John and Cassidy are dating and so are Adam and Marina) or in Conner and Thalia's case were just walking there awkwardly while there were happy couples all around them. When we got to the class room we sat outside while we waited for the teacher we just talked about random crap while we waited we spoke most of it in English but I think we slipped into Greek every once in a while as I was talking the hair stood up at the back of my neck and my head snapped up, as I looked down the hall I saw a big ass black dog with red eyes I looked at the others in alarm and said/shouted "HELLHOUND!" In Greek, they all understood what we had to do 3 of us had to take it down while the rest made sure the mortals wern't in the way this was our plan...before 2 no scratch that 3 more turned up gods dammit I thought as Annabeth said
"ok you you guys change of plans, Thalia, Percy and me will take the first one, Jason, Piper and Leo take the second one, Hazel and Frank the smaller one at the back and Conner, Travis and Katie take the last one. We'll have to look after the mortals later" with that we ran at the hellhounds what happened next was unexpected and when I say 'unexpected' I mean 'really bad'.


AN: Hey I know I say this every time but if anyone actually reads this and has advice please leave a comment also I won't be positing as often cause unfortunately I'm back at school.

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