Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Uncle Rick does except for the mortals (now demigods) I've added


Percy POV:

After we'd left Madi and Darrian to sleep Will went to his cabin and Annabeth and I went to my cabin. We got there and I opened the door for Annabeth and we walked into my cabin. Suddenly an idea popped into my head

"Annabeth, get changed." I told her


"We're going on a picnic"

"A picnic at quarter to eleven?"

"Yup why not?" she shrugged and agreed, ten minutes later we were both changed, Annabeth had grabbed a blanket while I had grabbed us some snacks from my secret stash that I had hidden in a loose floorboard under my bed and we were making our way to the beach. When we got there I laid out the blanket Annabeth grabbed and sat down with Annabeth across from me, I looked up at her face and I found myself breathless, I don't know if it was the moon light reflecting perfectly off the ocean waves or if was just because she was perfect or both but when I looked at her she never looked more beautiful even if she was just in jean shorts and one of my many old school jumpers she had never looked so perfect (well not that I had seen). I didn't realise I was staring until Annabeth clicked her fingers in front of my face to get my attention and said something I didn't catch

"Huh? What?"

"I asked why you were staring"

"Because you're beautiful and I like looking at beautiful things" I answered remembering when she made me watch The Fault In Our Stars, she blushed and looked down at the blanket beneath us, I put my hand under her chin making her head lift to look back up at me and gently kissed her. We broke apart our foreheads touching and Annabeth asked

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you" I answered simply then continued

"I love you so much its ridiculous" we both chuckled a bit at that "It's true, I love you and I can't wait for high school to be over so we can start our lives together" I checked the time on the watch Tyson made me.

"Its 11:11 make a wish Wise Girl"


"Why not?" I asked

"Because I've already got everything I could ever wish for" with that I kissed her again.

Madi POV:

I was having quite a pleasant dream until I was woken up by a flash, my eyes snapped open to see two guys who looked like twin brothers around my age both with brown hair, blue eyes one of them holding a camera and both of them looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights I tried to sit up a bit and ask them what they were doing but key word 'tried' because as I went to sit up I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist preventing me from moving I tensed slightly not knowing who it was, I turned my head upwards to see who it was and relaxed when I saw it was just Darrian. I turned my head back to where to boys were but they were already gone. I felt like I had been lying down forever I was stiff and a little sore, I needed to get up so I tried to sit up again but Darrian's arms tightened around me preventing me from getting up I rolled me eyes and twisted to face him, his eyes were open and he had his mischievous smile on his face, one I haven't seen since we were kids, it made my heart swell at the memories we had shared because of that smile, like the time he put blue coloured hair dye in my shampoo and conditioner without me knowing and making sure my hair would get dirty that day before he left so that I would have to wash it and unknowingly dye my hair bright blue when I had finished in the bathroom and walked out still not knowing that my hair was bright blue my sister started laughing at me, she wouldn't stop I was looking at her like she was a crazy person, I asked her what she was laughing at, she could barely talk because she was laughing so hard but she managed to get out 'hair' and 'blue' I remember sprinting back to the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure enough my once blonde hair was bright blue. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice Darrian's smile had disappeared and he was giving me a very confused and concerned look.

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