Chapter 16

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First I just want to say thank you for 3.7k reads it's nice to know people actually read my story anyway onwards

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Uncle Rick does except for the mortals (now demigods) I've added.


"Alright I promise" with that I turned back to the class and started probably the worst possible class ever.

Annabeth POV (again):

Like pretty much everything else the lesson started out alright whenever Madi or Darrian asked me or Percy for help we would always palm them off to each other Percy would send Madi to me and I would send Darrian to him until Darrian started to get seriously aggressive even if he was an Ares kid. The way he was looking at Percy scared me. I could see Percy trying to reason with him but he kept pushing and pushing I wasn't worried until I heard the sound of a sword slicing through flesh not a very pleasant sound may I add anyway as soon as I heard it I spun around and saw Percy lying on the ground a huge cut down his front I screamed and ran over to him. As I reached him I collapsed onto the ground and put his head in my lap

"Percy! Percy! Stay with me! Please! Please, APOLLO! APOLLO! please help him Please!" by this time I had tears streaming down my face Apollo flashed into the room he pushed through the people in the class who had made sort of a ring around us, he knelt down at Percy's side and started muttering an ancient Greek hymn an the ugly wound started healing I put my forehead onto Percy's and started muttering prayers of my own to every God/Goddess I could think of them started whispering to him

"You said you would always be there for me, forever and always remember? Please...wake up...please..." it was silent for a while but then

"A-Annabeth?" I opened my eyes and met the sea green ones of my Seaweed Brain's and I practically screamed

"Percy!" I kissed him which was weird since we were upside down but I didn't care and by the way he responded I don't think he did either we didn't break apart until Apollo cleared his throat

"sorry to interrupt but just thought I'd let you know while you guys were eating each other's faces I sent the son of Ares to Chiron and the rest off on free time"

"Thank you Lord Apollo"

"Yea thanks for you know saving me"

"Anytime you guys" as he was walking ng out he called over his shoulder

"And good luck tonight Perce" Percy muttered something under his breath that I didn't catch

"What? What's he on about Percy?"

"nothing, nothing" he said a little too quickly I just shrugged it off got up then helped him get up holding hands I started to walk out of the arena but Percy didn't move so I was kind of yanked back and he sort of spun me around to face him then brought our lips together, for several minutes we didn't move but we were still human and had to breathe so we broke apart and put our foreheads together, we just stood there I don't know how long but we must've been there for a while because the dinner horn sounded we stood there edit a couple more minutes just looking into each other's eyes, grey into green,

"I love you Annabeth, I love you so much"

"I love you to Percy, don't you ever forget that, now come on we should go get some food" as soon as I said food I was being pulled towards the dining pavilion by a hungry son of Poseidon when we got there we got the usual glances and two glares from Madi and Darrian when we got to the Poseidon table I saw a figure already there, I saw a flannel shirt and knew straight away

"Tyson!" Percy and I both said at the same time. He turned around and his eye lit up like a Christmas tree

"Brother! Annabeth!" He got up and ran towards us and hugged us both well more like took two steps and nearly suffocated us in a hug, when he had finished both Percy and I were a little out of breath. We all walked back to the table and Percy and I thought of what we wanted to eat we both got pizza and scraped a portion into the brazier at the front. As dinner was coming to a close Percy seemed to be getting nervous and he told me not to have dessert yet I was getting a bit weirded out but did as he asked as dinner ended some of my siblings and some of the nicer Aphrodite children which included Piper and a couple of others came up to me and told me to come with them I don't know why but they made it sound really important so I said I would go with them but first went to tell Percy

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