Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything Uncle Rick does except for the mortals I've added


Percy POV:

I was walking hand in hand with Annabeth to the schools car park as we were walking I asked her

"Hey wise girl wanna come to my apartment we could work on our, well my homework and I bet mum wants to see you"

"Sure seaweed brain I'd love to let me tell Thalia where I'm going though" I nodded thinking she would walk over to Thalia and talk to her like a normal person but nope instead she just yells across the carpark

"THALIA IM GOING TO PERCY'S!" the others had already jumped in their own cars and driven off to their place (they were all living together in some apartment complex the Gods built for them they'd invited me to live with them I said I'd have to talk to mum about it anyway I led Annabeth to my car and opened the door for her

"Mi lady" I mockingly bowed

"Why thank you kind sir" Once she was in I closed her door went over to my side, jumped in started the car and we set off the school wasn't that far away from my mum's apartment so it took us about 5-10 minutes to get there. After we'd pulled into the garage we both hopped out and walked to the elevator that took us up to my mum's apartment. As soon as we walked in the door I smelt the most delicious smell BLUE COOKIES!! I ran to the kitchen to see a plateful and my mum taking another fresh batch out of the oven, I grabbed two from the cooled plate and ate them in record time Annabeth walked into the kitchen laughing at my behaviour


"What was that Percy?"

I swallowed and tried again

"What's so funny?"

"Hahaha nothing Seaweed Brain just the things you would do for food.

"Hey Sally how are you"

"I'm alright Annabeth. You're completely right on the food matter by the way, he would do anything for food" mum said slightly chuckling she continued

"How're you Annabeth?

"Yea I'm ok I guess high school's kinda annoying though but I love it"

"That makes one of us" I mumbled

"What was the Percy?"

"Nothing Wise Girl!" I called in a cheery (but sarcastic) voice

"Anyway Annabeth why is high school annoying" my mum interrupted

"Oh nothing just people being snobby that's all"

"Hmmm that's no good"

"C'mon Annabeth let's go finish that homework we got" I kissed my mum on the cheek grabbed the plate of blue cookies with one hand, Annabeth's hand in the other and dragged her to my room shutting the door. After I had grabbed the catch up work I had to do for the second worst subject in history...Math I sat down against the wall and tried to figure out the first question (because it was the first day all we had to complete was a sheet) I sat there staring blankly at the paper while the numbers and letters floated off the page what fool decided to mix the alphabet and maths together anyway I thought to myself as Annabeth sat on my bed

"Hey wise girl?"


"Could you pretty please help me?"

"No" I gave her my baby seal eyes

"Ugh! Fine!" Haha yes I knew that would work I thought she came over sat down next to me and looked at the sheet she started to say something but I got distracted just looking at her

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