Before I Forget

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I woke up the next morning feeling happy until Claire burst into my room screaming. "SCHOOL DAY TODAY!!!", shit I forgot we had school today! Ugh! I hate school!
I was then dragged out of the bed and into my bathroom. "Thank you claire", I smiled sarcastically, she just smiled back and left my room. I groaned and got into the shower to wash my hair and my sexy body.
When I was finished it was about 7 o clock. So I had time to get ready. I dried my hair and straightened it. Then I put on my clothes, since you don't have to wear a uniform for this school I put on black ripped skinny jeans, a slipknot t-shirt, banned apparel pentagram hoodie and my black and white vans.
I walked out of my room and down stairs. I picked up my black bag with band logos on it and put it on my back and walked into the kitchen. Standing there in the kitchen was claire, Megan, lee, blade but no Niamh since she was 18 and didn't have to go to school anymore if she didn't want to.
I picked up some lunch money and the. Searched for my keys. When I found them I left the house with everyone behind me. Lee and Megan went in lee's car, claire went with ciara and cara who had just pulled up outside and me and blade went together in my car.
We soon arrived at the school. Well this should be fun! I can already tell that I'm going to hate it! Outside there was a group of cheerleaders standing and flirting with the guys on the football team.
Blade hopped out of the car and walked towards everyone else. I opened the car door and got out and got my bag from the back. When I locked up the car everyone was already inside, gee thanks for waiting! I walked into the school and over to the receptionist along with the rest of my friends so I could get my time table and locker and shit like that.
We all had lockers by each other, but we didn't have the same classes. We all went to our lockers and got what we needed. {A;N I have to idea how American timetables work so I'm just gonna do it how mine is which might be confusing.

Ugh now I have to try and read my timetable. So today is Monday, I have Spanish then business then religion (hail satan)
In Spanish I just sat at the back and texted niamh for the whole class.
Then I went to business and in business the teacher was just shouting at the students for 'bad standards' whatever that means. And then in religion we talked about being in awe and shit that make us go 'wow' so I put down satan and glam metal.
The IT was break time and we had break for 10 minutes. I walked out of my religion room and to the cafeteria to meet blade and Claire. I saw them at the vending machine getting food.
"Hello", I said putting money into the machine and then selecting kit Kat chunky. We sat down at a random table and spoke about our horrible day... So far.
Then I heard the bell ring, I got up grabbed my bag and left the cafeteria and went to my geography room which was fucking boring aswell! I hate school.
After 40 minutes of boredom the bell rang again and we left. I then went to math which I had with Claire and Megan! YAY!
We sat near to the front as the other seats were taken. We spoke for the whole class which I suppose was ok. Just as we were about to leave the class the teacher asked for our name. And obviously we told her. Strange...
Then I went to art which I had with Megan and blade.
So since we're late into the year they were already making 3D things based in nature and they can be whatever we want them to be. So I decided to do a tree with a monster can in it and a turtle with a unicorn horn and a monster can in its back. Weird but it's gonna be sexy!
"WHAAATT, CARRIE BABEH?!", She mocked my voice
"I can't branch! How do you branch?", I was getting annoyed with my art sculpture made from a water bottle and wire and tissue
Megan then walked over to me and started to branch. When she left I continued doing what she did, soon enough I have a kind of a tree shape made of tissue.
Then the bell rang but this time for lunch!! YES AND WE HAVE AN HOUR FOR LUNCH TOO! We left the room after putting away our sculptures, then made our way to the cafeteria.
When I got there I saw all of our friends sitting in the same place me, blade and Claire sat at. We walked over to them and sat down, and of course I sat beside blade. We were having a great time until I heard a high pitched voice from behind me... Ew "EW! Look it's the new emo kids of the school!", I turned around a saw a girl with a face covered in make up and brown hair with that ombré kinda thing at the ends. She was latched onto one of the guys from the football team as well.
"Ugh whatever", I heard Claire scoff and turn back to her food and I did the same until one of her friends grabbed Claire's hair and turned her around a was all in her face "don't turn your ugly back to us again or you'll be fucking sorry", she threatened. Claire didn't say anything.
Then the girl who spoke first came up to me, blade and Megan since we were sitting kinda close together.
"Oohh, look this guy is kinda cute for an emo!", she eyed blade up and down. I kinda growled at her, but blade took my hand and squeezed it.
"Aww look it's an emo couple! It's SOO cute! But listen here," she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me close to her "I want your boyfriend" she made me want to get sick on her when she said it
"Well to bad bitch he's mine!", I spat back and made her release her grip on my top. Once she did I fixed it and went to get up with blade and leave.
"Well listen here you skank! When I want something! I get it!"
"Really?", I gasped and acted shocked "well too bad, cause your not getting my boyfriend!", I was about to walk away when I felt someone's hand tug on my wrist and pull me back. When I turned around to argue with this bitch, I was slapped in the face. A silence fell over the room as they all heard her hand hit my face. I heard cara gasp, "oohhh shit just hit the fan!", Just as she said that I went all chris motionless on the bitch!
And when I say this I mean my leg came up and kicked her and she went flying back, ya know like he does to the guy in the video for immaculate misconception?! No? Well youtube it!
When she hit the floor all her friends looked at me all shocked, but the guy who she was latched onto came up to me, now let's just remember how short I am and this guy is like over 6 foot. When he came up to me I swear I was gonna shit my pants. He lifted up his hand and hit me in the same spot this bitch did and after he hit me BAM! I blacked out, all I remember is hearing people shouting.
I woke up to this beeping sound... Da FUQ is that?! ITS ANNOYING!!
My eyes shock open but I wish they didn't cause the light burns!! I shut them straight away and brought my hands up to my fave and groaned.
"Omg she's awake!", I heard some shout from beside me
I sat up and tried to open my eyes again.
I looked around to see where I was. It was just a white room that was crowded with all of Bvb and my friends and miw. Damn.
"What the fuck happened?", I asked a bit confused
"That ass hole in the cafeteria knocked you out!", Niamh was standing beside me with her fists clenched.
"Oh yea...", that's when all the memories came back
"I take it you didn't have the best day at school", andy was standing at the other side of the table/chair/bed thing I was lying on.
"Well it was ok.."
"I got phone call home today from your math teacher", he didn't look to pleased
"Oh shit.. what did she say?"
"That she's not happy with you Megan and claire, because you don't listen and you talk about music and unicorns all the time and say the word 'majestic' to much {A;N this is a true story! And she's not happy" I laughed when he said the unicorns and majestic bit. Oh well I don't give a fuck about math
After he was done talking the nurse came in and handed me pain killers for my was ache and let me leave.
I was about to walk to class when, "where the fuck are you going?", Ricky asked pulling my arm towards the entrance of the school.
"To class Ricky I'm not missing school!" I tried to keep going to towards class but he wouldn't let me
"You do realise school finished like 2 hours ago right?", He laughed at me
I stop and turned to him.
"WHAT?! how long was I out for?"
"Like 3 and a half hours"
"Holy shit" I mumbled and started walking out of the school with him
When I got out I walked towards my car to see blade sitting in the drivers seat ready to go.
I hopped in an didn't even question how he got my keys.
We drove home in silence. When we got back he hugged me and said he had to go home. I kissed him goodbye and went inside
I went into the study kinda room where andy usually writes music, an do my homework which was a pile of bullshit!
"CARRIE!!!!!!!! COME DOWN STAIRS FOR DINERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" , CX shouted... while he was right beside me
I just laughed at him as he picked me up bridal style and carried me down the stairs.
We sat at the table and ate what Ashley made us.. and no we didn't get food poising.
"Ok, so since andy and Ashley are together, does that mean that ashley is like my dad aswell?", I asked both curious and confused.
"Umm yea... I think so..", JINXX replied
"THATS FUCKING AWESOME!", I shouted and went back to eating my food
I was in the middle eating when my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and checked my messages. there was a message there from a number that was on private, the message read "check your Dms on instagram"
So I opened instagram and I had 2 dms, one from Megan that's said 'DMS?' I just deleted it and opened another one from a user called 'aoiferz'.
When I opened it, I wish I hadn't. My jaw dropped and I dropped my phone straight into my food.
"OMFG THATS HORRIBLE! WHY THE FUCK WOULD SOMEONE SEND THAT TO ME?!?!?!?!!???!!!", I screamed while picking up my phone and wiping it off and closing instagram. Everyone at the table was looking at me all weird.
"What happened?", jinxx asked. Omg I can't look at him the same anymore! Why you ask? This 'aoiferz' person just sent me a picture of jinxx with his dick out!! OMFG WHY?!?!?!
I just got up and ran up the stairs to my bedroom and closed the door. That was gross.
I went on my laptop and checked my Twitter until there was knock on my door
"Come INNNNN" I shouted and the door opened. I saw Ashley standing there with his arms folded across his chest
"What was that about?" He asked with one eyebrow raised
"Ugh someone sent me a picture that I never want to see ever again, I mean come the fuck on! He's like my fucking uncle!"
"Who? What? Show me!" Ashley sat in the bed beside me, I pulled out my phone opened instagram and went to
My dms
"Open the one from aoiferz" I told him
He looked at the phone for a while.. the picture must be loading. After a few seconds he dropped the phone and started screaming EW.
"Now you know how I feel!", I screamed.
He ran down the stairs and into the music room with me close behind him.
Everyone was in the music room and when we burst through the door everyone looked at us
"Why?!", Ashley pointed at jinxx
"What did I do?!" He put his hands in the air looking a bit scared
"You took a picture and someone sent it to karissa!" I think jinxx knew what we were talking about know cause his face fell and his mouth was wide open. But everyone else was completely lost.
"Oh my god! I didn't think thy were still out there oh my god!" Was all he said before takin my phone out of my hand as the picture was still up, I think he deleted it. I don't know.
After that me and Ashley and jinxx went to watch a movie but we were followed by the others asking why happened. But we didn't say, it's know a secret!

{A;N I actually found picture today! It was weird Music_not_dead laughlikeirwin v0dkaaaa GeeCalmDown

Adopted By Andy Biersack {A BVB,MIW,PTV,SWS,BMTH,AA Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now