One Hundred Sleepless Nights

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I've been in England with Oli for nearly a week now. And it's great.

But, I unfortunately let blades words get to me.

I've been talking to Niamh and everyone, and they're trying to help me, key word, TRYING.

I've been having fun with Oli, all though we have fought a little bit but nothing much.

"Hey, do you guys wanna go to the cinema today with me and my new girlfriend? It can be a double date thing", to, came into mine and oli's room breaking me from my thoughts.

Oli looked over at me and I smiled and nodded.

"Yea, alright mate", oli smiled back while getting off the bed.

I got up and put my black knee high converse on.

I wore my black short shorts with fishnet and a slipknot t-shirt.

Yes, I'm in England, it's cold and I'm wearing shorts, but I don't give a fuck.

We walked down and out the door and made our way to pick up toms new girlfriend.


We arrived in a biggish estate that had lots of houses. We pulled up at a red bricked house.

A girl came running out of the front door. She had the same hair as me. Like same colour and same style. She also had a twisted barbed wire tank top and a You Me At Six jumper.

As she got closer to be the car she looked at me and her jaw dropped. Tom got out of the car and she jumped up and hugged him to death nearly.

They eventually got in the car and we drove to a near by cafe.


We went into the cafe and orders fries and cola.

"So, what's your name?", I asked the girl who was sitting opposite me.

"Mckenzie", her voice was small and quiet.

"That's a nice name, I see your a fan!", I beamed back at her, she looked down at her top and smiled

"Yea, today's my birthday and Tom said he had a big surprise for me, but I didn't know it was this amazing", she smiled at Tom "and he got me this t-shirt yesterday", she finished

I then remembered that Tom had took one of my t-shirts a few days ago, I thought it looked familiar.

I looked at Tom and he just gave me a big smile, while Mckenzie looked at us all weird, and then she copped it.

"Oh my god! Is this your top?", she looked kind of guilty but she slapped toms shoulder when I nodded. "You shouldn't go through her stuff without her permission!", Tom just laughed.

"It's fine! I have millions anyway!", I smiled at her and she smiled back

"What a minute, so what your saying is that you went through my girlfriends stuff the other day?", oli glared at Tom. I've realised that Oli can have a really bad temper sometime, but it's easy to calm him down.

Tom didn't reply he just ate some chips and looked away from oli's gaze.


"So what do you guys wanna watch?", oli asked as we approached the counter of the cinema.

I thought for a bit

"Unfriended", me and Mckenzie said in unison, we looked at each other and laughed while Oli and Tom looked at us weird.

Oli laid for me and Tom paid for Mckenzie and me and Mckenzie paid for popcorn and drinks.


The movie was good, well what I got to see.

Not in a dirty way! But we had a popcorn fight and what not and threw jellies at people, the movie was nearly over when we were asked to leave.

We laughed as we left, tonight was fun, but I'm sure that's not all that's gonna happen.


We got back to oli's house and Mckenzie came back too.

Me and Mckenzie went and sat by the island thing in the kitchen.

We talked for a bit about how she got to like my band and stuff and I told her a bit about myself but was interrupted by oli.

"Yo, get dressed we're going out clubbing with the boys"

"But we're underage", I replied

"Don't worry you'll get in", he winked at me

"But I don't have any clothes with me", Mckenzie stood up.

"You can use some of mine", I smiled

We walked up the stairs and picked out what we were gonna wear.

Since we were going to a rock club we decided to wear 'edgy' clothes.

We went down to the front room to see all of bmth and Tom sitting there

"You two look amazing!", Jordan beamed, the guys agreed and we thanked them.

The taxi arrived and we got in and went to the club.

Adopted By Andy Biersack {A BVB,MIW,PTV,SWS,BMTH,AA Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now