Death Of Me

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Oli has been in prison for a year now, I gave birth to our daughter who he named alexis. Her full name is alexis Biersack sykes. I haven't even been able to look at her, I don't hold her, I don't do anything with her. I've went back to school and I'm being bullied again. I don't leave my room unless I have to. I've heard some of the bands saying that alexis looks nothing like me or Oli. I don't know why that is. And to be honest, I don't care! It may seem harsh but the kid has caused me a lot of fucking pain!

"Hey Carrie, we got a special visit with Oli, so we can all go and see him if you want to go?", I didn't even realise that Ricky had came into my room. I shook my head and mumbled no. Ricky sighed and left my room.

I don't know how long I was sitting there, just thinking but I was broke away from my thoughts, "CARRIE WE'RE GOING NOW, AND WE ARE GONNA TAKE ALEXIS WITH US!" I don't know who was shouting but I just text Ricky saying 'ok' and 'I'll be fine :)'. Lie.

Once I heard the door close I looked out my window and made sure that they drove away. I took a deep breath.

"Ok, I'm gonna do it", I mumbled to myself as I went into the bathroom attached my room. I opened every drawer until I finally found what I was looking for. It was a brown leather box that showed were it had been stitched together. I opened it to reveal about 4 razors of different sizes.

I picked up the biggest one and dragged it across my wrist making a deep cut. I mentally face palmed as I did this. Down the street, not across!

I made as many vertical cuts as I could, all extremely deep. I then made loads of horizontal cuts also very deep. By now there was blood everywhere. I sat there for a while watching myself bleed. But it wasn't working, I should have collapsed by now. I stood up, and got a bit of a head rush. When I steadied myself I walked back into my bathroom and looked through the medicine cabinet. I found a bottle of sleeping pills, the another.

I emptied the contents of both into the palm of my blood stained hand. This should do it. I poured them all into my mouth and swallowed each of them. I walked back into my room and laid down on my bed, at this point I was really light headed. I closed eyes and went to sleep. Hopefully I won't wake back up.

Oli's P. O. V

I was sitting in the room for special visits waiting to see everyone. I held my head in my hands hoping that karissa would come today.

Ever since I got up and left when she told me that she was pregnant, I've been regretting it. I wish I had of stayed and talked to her about it. I found out that she had a girl, but andy told me that she had been kinda distant from everyone and acting cold towards the baby so I got to name her.

I was deep in thought about her when I heard the door open. I stood up and looked over at the door. I smiled at everyone, but my smile faded when I realised that karissa wasn't with them. Ricky must have noticed because he told me that she didn't want to come. This is all my fault.

We talked for a bit and I held my daughter for the first time. She was quite small for her age, she's nearly one now. But she looked nothing like me of karissa. She had green eyes and no one that I know has green eyes. She also had blonde hair, mine is brown and karissa's is black. I gave the child I was holding a odd look.

"Is there something wrong?", Megan asked

"U, yea kinda.."I replied not taking my eyes off the kid I was holding

"What is it?", danny asked

"It's alexis, she looks nothing like me, or karissa!" I was confused to be honest.

"We know, but I wonder why? Maybe something happened, but I don't know what", andy scratched the back of his head.

We decided to drop it until I got released. We went on talking about bands and other stuff and how karissa has been acting weird since I got in here. Andy said he's going to try and get her to talk to a doctor when he gets home. Before I knew it, the 2 hours we had been given were up. But before they left I decided to break some special news to them.

"Hey guys before you leave I have something to say.." They all looked at me.

"I might be getting out earlier that expected!", I almost shouted. They all jumped and hugged me

"That's great man!", most of the them said before they had to leave.

I was cuffed and walked back to my cell. Alone again.


It's been two weeks since the special visit, and no one has called me or sent any letters. I tried to call but no one answered and I only get one call a week.

Today is the day of my trial also the day I find out if I'm free to go or not. Matt said he would be at the trial and of I was set free he would bring me home, I only know this cause my lawyer told me.

*skipping past the trial cause that shit is boring, I've been to one before*

"Well I'm a free man now!!", I shouted as we walked to the car. But Matt just chuckled and mumbled yea... What's up with him?

I shook it off and got into the car. The ride home was boring and silent. Until we came up into the drive way. Just as I was about to get out of the car Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me to sit back down.

"What's up mate?", I asked

"It's karissa...", he whispered. Oh fuck what's wrong.

"What happened", my voice cracked a bit.

"S-s-s-she's gone...", Matt broke down and started crying, her and Matt were kinda close. But what does he mean she's gone?!

I jumped out of the car and raced inside. I burst through the door and ran into the front room were everyone was sitting. They all looked up at me with sad faces. I looked at andy, looking and waiting for him to say it was all a joke and that she's upstairs waiting for me.

"I'm sorry...", was all he managed to say. I collapsed onto the floor crying whole mumbling no to myself over and over again. She can't be gone. Why?!

I got up and went to her room. I opened the door and looked around. Everything looked the same except the blood stain on the carpet leading from the bathroom to her bed. But there was none on her bed. I got into the bed and cried myself to sleep. Even though it was still early I slept for hours dreaming of her.

Lol the story is almost over. Just gonna do like another few chapters that have a bit of a plot twist then a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!! You better read it though! Oh and sorry for this being really short
Turtles rule 😝🐢👉👌

Adopted By Andy Biersack {A BVB,MIW,PTV,SWS,BMTH,AA Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now