Time Off [3] - Bucky Barnes

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Bucky smiled sadly and made his way to your bed. You shifted a little to the side, making room for him to slide in. He got in and you looked up at him.

"Nightmares?" You asked and regretted it. Your voice was still hoarse and you knew it was nightmares that woke him up. It wasn't the first time he had been awake. It wasn't unusual for someone to find him roaming around the tower at night.

He nodded as his eyes searched your face. Your eyes were definitely red and puffy. You probably looked like shit. Still he smiled.

"You look adorable," he said. You gaped at him. You knew your eyes were puffy and bloodshot. You were also sure that your nose was red with how much you wiped it and you cheeks were flushed.

"You're teasing me, right?" You asked uncertainly. He shook his head.

"You've cried. But the whole look makes you look adorable," Bucky said to you. You didn't want to believe, but he went on to describe you. "Your [E/C] look great with your bloodshot eyes. The puffiness to them make them look cute. Then the flush in your cheeks is just adorable on its own. The redness on your nose adds to that cuteness. So, no. I'm not teasing you. I'm telling the truth. And the truth is you always look beautiful to me." Your mouth is hanging open slightly. He just told you he thought you always look beautiful to him.

"Really?" You blurted out. To your annoyance, your throat burned and you got up abruptly as you started coughing. Bucky got up as well and started to rub your back, hoping to ease the coughing. The coughing slowly stopped. You leaned into Bucky's side, feeling his flesh arm wrap around you.

"[Y/N], I love you. So much it scares me. That's why I left. Now I figured out I shouldn't have. Maybe if I hadn't moved or left you'd be---"

"Shut up, please," you interrupted. He looked down at you. "It's not your fault. Things happen. Like your nightmares. "Maybe if I told you to stay, I could've helped you out with them." Just like that Bucky, you couldn't've eased the pain either. It'll just have to past. And I love you too" He looked considerate for a moment before he nodded.

You made him lay down and sleep with you for the week.

It helped you and him. His nightmares were lessening and he was able to hold you when you cried. He had gotten used to you crying at the pain. You slowly stopped crying. After three weeks time, your pain was lessened in time, but the pain would hit suddenly making you yelp each time.

The rest of the Avengers were still on the mission, making the tower quiet for you two. You both got regular calls and updates on the mission just in case you were able to go on the mission. A few times after the updates, you would ask Bucky if he wanted to go. He always said no.

You stopped asking after a month. The Avengers were still on the mission. The mission had became more difficult than they imagined.

"Buck, you should go," you said. This time you were on a call with Steve, Bucky sitting on your left. Steve made a face of consideration before nodding.

"We do need you, Buck," he agreed with you. Bucky glared at him and you.

"She needs me too," he said through gritted teeth. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"They need you more," you urged. "Trust me Bucky, I'll be fine. If anything, I'll tell you and you can came right back. I promise." Bucky looked up at your eyes.

Slowly nodding he said, "I'll go. But if anything happens to you, [Y/N], I'm coming back right away." You nodded and smiled softly. His hand cupped your cheek as he leaned in. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back. The two of you pulled away when Steve cleared his throat.

"When did this happen?" Steve asked.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by Bucky's new Vibranium arm~**

The next day, Bucky was on the Quinjet, saying goodbye to you and you were left alone in the tower.

**Time Skip ~brought to you by Bucky using a smiley face while texting~**

A few days later, JARVIS let you know that the Avengers had arrived. You got up and waddled to the landing. There you saw everyone getting out of the Quinjet, covered in injuries. You smiled sadly, but soon noticed that Bucky was missing.

Original Ending:

"Steve, where's Bucky?" You asked with a shaky voice. Steve looked at you with sad eyes and your heart skipped a beat. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

You knew what he was going to say. You didn't want to hear it.

"There was a bomb..." Steve's voice cracked. "I'm sorry... I couldn't save him... again." Your world crumbled down on you. Bucky couldn't be... he can't be...

You should have let him stay. Let him have some time off. Let him stay with you. The guilt flooded you.

Alternative Ending:

"Steve, where's Bucky?" You asked with a shaky voice.

"Right here, love," the familiar voice came from behind you and you sighed in relief. You turned around to be crushed by his arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," you said, breathing in his scent.

"Maybe now we can have the time off," Bucky sighed. You nodded, just enjoying the warmth of his arms.


That's the end of this loveable series. The alternative ending wasn't going to be there, but then I wanted to him to survive and then I didn't want him to survive. Since I couldn't make up my mind, I put both. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Don't forgot to vote if you enjoyed.

Until next time!

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