Party Friend - Sam Wilson

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F/F - favourite food
Warning(s): a bit of smut

"Hey [Y/N]!" Tony shouted over the music and made his way through the crowd to you.

"Hey Tony," you said as he pulled you into a hug by grabbing your wrist. You rubbed his back as he sighed. "What? You missed me?" You teased him. He pulled away and looked at you.

"Of course not! I am not allowed to miss my sister at all!" Tony exclaimed, sarcasm lacing each word. You slapped his chest and he put a hand over his arc reactor, pretending to be hurt.

"Adopted sister," you correct, teasing him. You weren't adopted, but a few years back he had you thinking you were. Tony chuckled softly, thinking back to your tear-filled eyes, and looked you with his mouth curling into a smile, which he only ever showed to you.

"I did missed you," Tony said, pulling you in for another hug. "And your weird accent." You giggled and snuggled your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in the comforting scent of your brother.

"I missed you too, Tones," you mumbled into his neck, calling him by name you used to call him when you were younger. You could just imagine his smile without looking up after hearing the nickname that only you used for him. He pulled away as he heard his name being called. Giving you an apologetic smile, he left, walking towards Pepper.

She caught your eye and she waved as you waved back with a grin. You always thought that she and Tony would make a cute couple---and that she could actually deal with him and his shenanigans. You shook her head at the thought of him becoming Iron Man and joining the Avengers just a few weeks after you left for University in England. You had been called when he was kidnapped and you had been worried, wanting to come back to Manhattan, but you were told by Pepper that she had everything under control and that Tony wouldn't want you to leave your studies for him. You knew he was bound to do something cunning that could either result in him getting out alive or him dying and that was exactly what happen.

You smiled when Steve approached you. You met him when he was on a mission in London. Tony informed you that he would be staying near by and wanted you to get to know him and show him around. You were surprised that Tony wanted you to get to know Steve as Tony would never let a man stand next to you. He was the typical overprotective brother. But as you got to know Steve, you learned that Tony let him become close to you because he almost died in New York while fighting against the aliens---Steve let that slip---and wanted you to have someone if anything ever does happen to him. You thought it was sweet, but that didn't stop you from scolding him, for an hour, for not telling you that he almost died.

"[Y/N]. How's my favourite Stark?" Steve greeted you with a hug. You giggled.

"Don't let Tony hear that," you warned as you pulled away from him.

"He knows," Steve said, shrugging slightly. His eyes wandered over the crowd. "I thought you didn't enjoy the parties." You shook your head.

"I don't, but," you emphasised in the 't', "I'll deal with a party to meet Tony." Steve raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know how you two are related," he muttered sheepishly. You laughed and he spoke again. "I mean it! You're so nice to everyone and he's picky when it comes to being nice." You nodded, still giggling, knowing what he meant.

"Tony's like that. He's picky only because he doesn't trust people easily. It's been like that ever since dad and mum died." Steve gave you a sad smile and you put your hand on his forearm. "It's not a sensitive topic for me, Steve. I barely remember them. I remember Tony at a young age, taking care of me, his baby sister. Making sure I'm fine, doing my homework, healthy and so on. He's sacrificed a lot for me. Becoming the CEO of Stark Industries and taking care of me, that must've been a handful." Steve chuckled as you withdrew your hand from his arm.

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