Our Story - Tony Stark

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"Help! Please, somebody, help!" You heard someone---a young girl's voice---scream close to you. You looked around, hoping to find the person. To your luck, you felt a pull towards the building on your left. It was almost completely demolished, leaving the one wall still standing. You took hesitant steps towards the pile of debris, having an inner conflict on whether you should use your powers to find and help the person or ignore and save yourself. Deciding on the first option, you put two fingers to your head and hummed lightly. Sound waves, which only were visible to you, surrounded you.

There were sound waves all over the place, thanks to the aliens attacking New York. Another good reason that you didn't use your powers. New York was a busy city with many sounds and noises which would give you a massive headache. You barely used your powers after the one time you accidentally heard your neighbours get at it---you couldn't look at them right for months.

Right now though, you only looked for the girl's voice. Ignoring the sound waves coming from the aliens and their weird ships, you focused on the girl's voice. After a few minutes of searching, you found her sound waves coming from under the pile of bricks. Your heart started to race as you run over and looked frantically for the girl. If anything happened to her, you knew you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself. You found her hand waving rapidly from a gap in the rubble. You tapped her hand and she immediately drew it in. You looked through the gap and saw her terrified face.

She was under a table that had not broken with the weight of the bricks.

"I'm here to help," you said in a soft and calm voice, despite your panic state. The girl nodded slowly after a moment of hesitation. "I need you to holler at me if you think the table is going to fall, okay? I'll try to get you out of there, okay?" The girl nodded twice, letting you know that she understood. You gazed into her wide eyes and nod as you get up. Putting a hand in front of you and two fingers on your head, you hummed making the pieces of rubble float into the air and land behind you, against the wall standing.

The hums were manipulated by your mind to use the sound waves to move the rubble.

"How are you doing that?" A voice from beside you spoke. You stopped humming and turned your head toward the voice.

The bricks stopped in mid-air as you studied the man. He was wearing a red and gold iron suit and you instantly knew it was Iron Man or Tony Stark. His helmet popped open and you saw Tony's bruised and bloody face.

"It's basically telepathy," you said, shrugging.

"How is it not telepathy?" Tony urged, raising an eyebrow.

You sighed and said, "Not now. Later, when all of this is sorted." You gestured to the rubble and then outside. He nodded as you directed your attention and hummed, making the bricks move once more.

Slowly, but eventually, the pile surrounding the girl was gone and the girl scrambled out from under the table. The girl looked at you with fear and wide eyes---at least until Tony looked behind you. You turned and saw the sound waves of destruction before noticing the screeches of the alien. You lifted your hand, causing the waves to backfire on the creature and throw him back. Tony looked amused with raised eyebrows. You turned to the girl and put your hands up in a way to say 'I won't hurt you'.

Her eyes darted between you and Tony before she ran to you, catching you off guard. Her arms flung around your legs and your hands instinctively went to her back. She barely came up to your waist and you forgot that Tony was there for a moment. Your head turned as you felt a new sound come into the atmosphere. You found the source coming from behind Tony.

You panicked as you pointed behind him and said, "Something's over there." Tony only nodded, not commenting as to how you knew that and you were thankful. He flipped his helmet down and flew back to investigate the noise. You saw more sound waves and could only hope that Tony was fine.

"What's your name, love?" you asked the girl. She looked up and you bent down to pick her up.

"Jamie," she answered in a hushed voice.

"What's your mom and dad's names?"

"Laura and Oliver," she replied before she started to tear up. You looked at the girl in pain, not wanting to ask more, but you had to know where her parents were.

"Do you know where they might be?" She nodded slowly and pointed over at rubble where you saw two arms. You looked away quickly and put your hand behind Jamie's head, bringing her head down to your shoulder. You felt her shoulders shake and felt your heartbreak. You used your powers to cut the noise from reaching her ears as she started to let out small snores. You smiled sadly to yourself as Tony came back, iron clanking on the ground.

"How is she sleeping in this type of noise?" Tony gestured to Jamie and then around.

"Because of me," you answered simply. He opened his mouth like he was going to ask what you meant, but an explosion in the distance made him close it and nodded instead.

"Are you gonna, maybe, help us out?" he asked. You nodded slowly.

"I'll get the civilians to safety first. Then, maybe, I'll beat the crap out of those aliens," you said, side eyeing him.

He nodded and said, "Great idea. Great plan." You nodded before humming slightly, making yourself fly a few feet off the ground. You turned your head, looking at an awed Tony. You smirked as you floated away.


"And that's the end of chapter one," you say to your five year-old twins. Morgan nods while Peter looks at you, confused.

"That's one chapter?" You smile at him and nod.

"Yeah, Pete. That's how the story started." Peter shrugs and whispered an 'okay' before closing his eyes. You get up from Morgan's bed and gave both of them a kiss. "Goodnight," you whisper, leaving the room. You hear tired mumbled of 'goodnight', bringing a smile on your face.

You make your way downstairs where you see your husband of five years sitting in the couch. He smiles at you as he sits up from his laying position. You smile as you take a seat next to him.

"What story did they make you tell?" He asked as he put his arm around you and gave you a kiss on your temple.

"Our story," you whispered, snuggling into his side.

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