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Joyce's POV

It's the night after a bachelor party at the bar, so that means a lot of clearing up to do from last night. Elliot is sitting in the back watching cartoons as Karen had to go and see her parents. I'm wiping down the walls from anything that got thrown at them and Hopper... well Hopper is hopefully doing something useful. I walk into the back room to see Elliot talking to Hopper about superheroes.

"Sorry to break this up boys" I say and throw a wash cloth at Hopper.
"Alright I'm coming" he says, getting up and making his way over to me.

I'm leaning on the door frame, so as he comes past me, he picks me up, walks to a table and places me on it.

"We're supposed to be cleaning" I say.
"We have a few more hours to do that" he tells me.

He gently brushes my hair behind my ears, and then puts his hands on my hips and kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss him back. Every time I kiss him, I feel this warmth come over me, like I'll be safe forever. I haven't felt like this since I'd been at school. We get interrupted by Elliot who walks in.

"Ooooooooooo. Mommy and Hopper are kissing" he make kissing noises and then laughs as he runs towards us.

Hopper picks my son up and sits him on the table, where I am.

"Look at my two favourite people" Hopper says
"If I am your favourite person" Elliot starts "Then can I be superman"
"Ok, but just one turn, and then me and your mommy have to get back to cleaning up" Hopper tells him
"What's superm-" I ask but get cut off by Hopper picking up Elliot and running round the room with him.

He finishes and I jump off the table.

"Ok, Hopper go and clean the bathroom, there is a cupboard in there with all the stuff that you'll need to do that. Elliot baby, you can go and watch cartoons in the back room"


"Eliot got your backpack?"
"Yes" he says climbing out of Hoppers car. It's parked down the road from mine and Karen's house as we don't have a driveway and some idiot had decided to park in the space where we usually do. It's right outside the house, why can't people park where they need to, not where they want to. No ones coming to our house.

As we walk closer I see who it is. I start to panic. My palms are sweaty and I'm breathing faster.

"Joyce, you ok" Hopper asks me
"Lonnie, he's there. At the front door. Take Elliot round the back. Don't come out until I come in. Elliot doesn't come out. I need to deal with this"
"No Joyce, I can't let you do this"
"Well you're going to have to"

A/ N Alright kind of a filler chapter because I have writers block but I think I have one idea of what I'm going to do next time. Also I'm going to not have names of the chapters now because it's hard to think of them bro.

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