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Joyce's POV

Elliot's changed. Like really changed. I'm pretty sure it's because of Hopper. He comes round every day to play with Elliot. It gives me a break and I also love watching them together. They are like father and son. I'm taking Hopper out to dinner with Elliot and I tonight as kind of a thank you for all that he has done for both of us.

————————-Later That Night——————————

I hear a knock on the door and g to answer it, I know immediately that it's Hopper and start to panic, I'm not ready yet and Elliot still needs to calm down from a panic attack that he had. I open the door.

"Hi" I say. Hopper is dressed in a full suit and tie. "Please come in, I just need to put on a dress and then I will be right out.
"Cool, where is the little guy?"
"In his room... you wouldn't mind going in and checking on him would you?"
"Not at all"
"Thank you so much"

I run into my room and see Karen looking through my wardrobe.

"What are you doing?!"
"Trying to find something for you to wear for this little date of yours"
"It's not a date!"
"It soooooo is"
"Is not!"
"Let's review the facts shall we, Number 1, He is taking you to the most expensive restaurant in the whole of Hawkins. Number 2, he came to pick you up wearing a suit and tie, no flowers but I'll let it slide. And Number 3, this has had you so panicky all day and you've been checking the clock to see what time it is every minute for the past 4 hours. I rest my case"
"That may be true, but it's not a date, my son is coming with us"
"Family date"
"Uhhhhh. Anyway what have you got for me to wear?"
"I was expecting this to happen. Your closet looks like it's a shop for sweatpants"
"But again, true"
"So what am I going to wear"
"Lucky for you Horowitz, I am prepared for every situation and I went and got a black dress from the store just this morning. I was going to wear it first but you need it more than I do"
"Thank you so much"
"That fine. You deserve it"

*********At The Restaurant*********

Our food has just been served to the table and we all begin to eat. Elliot keeps moving around in his seat, so I start to get worried.

"Elliot, baby are you ok?"
"It is really noisy"
"I know baby, just focus on eating ok?"
Hey little man" Hopper talks to Elliot "look what I brought" Hopper takes something out from below his seat and I can see that it is pieces of paper.
"Thanks" I mouth to Hopper, but he can't see me, he's already smiling and laughing with Elliot about colouring in the superheroes.

Hopper drops both of us back off at our house and while Elliot rushes inside, probably to tell Karen about what happened, I stay outside with Hopper.

"Thank you so, so much. You've really helped both Elliot and myself"
"It's the least I could do"
"But you didn't have to"
"But I want to"
"See you tomorrow at work then" I say awkwardly
"Oh... Yeah"

I turn around to head back into my house.

"Joyce wait!"

He runs back to me and brushes my hair out of my face, he then softly kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. We end the kiss smiling and then I see that the door is open slightly, just enough so I could see my son peeking through. He runs inside and we're both stood there laughing.

Elliot screams into the house "They kissed Karen! THEY KISSED!"

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