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Joyce's POV

(Three weeks later)

Everything is still a blur from the last few weeks. Lonnie escaped and came back. Then he raped me, properly raped me. I had to go into the police so many times. Elliot had no idea what was going on and cried nearly every day because I couldn't hug him.

I just thought that my life was finally good. I have an amazing boyfriend and an amazing son. I never thought that everything could change. That I would ever have to see Lonnie again. Or explain to Elliot who Lonnie was.

And when I thought that things couldn't get any worse I found myself in the same situation I was in nearly  6 years ago. Crying in the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test in my hand. I'm scared, not as scared as I was when I found out I was pregnant with Elliot, but still scared. Hopper and I have barely been dating for 5 months. How can I tell him I'm pregnant with his child? I told Karen around a week ago, the day before Lonnie escaped. The only good thing that I can think of at this point in time is that its Hopper's baby. And I love Hopper. Oh shit. I haven't even told him that I love him yet.

Karen's POV

"I'm not getting married to someone I don't even know!" I shout at my parents
"Yes you are. And Ted is a nice man" my father replied.
"That doesn't mean I want to marry him!"

I'm on the edge of breaking down now. I went round to my parents house for dinner and now I'm a part of their business exchange or whatever. I have to get married and I know that fighting isn't going to help anything but some th ing inside of me thinks that if they see I'm unhappy they won't make me marry some guy I don't know who is 35. For God's sake I'm only 21. But my father will just keep giving me money so I say 'I do' and even more so I dont get a divorce.

I give in "Fine, I'll marry him"
"Good" my mother says "The wedding will be next week. Invite who you must and say your goodbyes"
"What do you mean goodbye?"
"Well Ted lives in New York, so you'll go and live with him there"

Joyce's POV

"Hopper can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yeah sure" he comes and sits down with me "What is it?"
"Ummm. Well... I'm pregnant"
"Is it..."
"Yes the baby is yours"
"How do you know?"
"I found out two weeks ago"
"Oh my god"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes of course I am. I mean it is a bit soon. But we're gonna have a baby. And that's fucking amazing!"

I smile. This is so much better than I thought it would be. I just have one more thing to do.

"Please can you kiss me"
"Are you sure?"
"I think I'm ready. Just don't touch my lower back. I don't think I'll be able to deal with that right now. Maybe next week. Just not know"

He takes his hands and puts them behind my head, brushing my hair out of the way. He kisses me softly and slowly, being as gentle as possible. As we pull apart he keeps his hands in my hair and I whisper;

"I love you so much Jim Hopper"
"I love you more Joyce Horowitz"

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