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Joyce's POV

I'm six months pregnant and I don't think I can take it anymore. I'm sitting in the office at the bar all day, sorting out papers from before I was born. I think I'm about to loose my mind when Hopper knocks on the door.

"Hey babe" he says
"Hey, shouldn't you be out there?" I question
"Paul can handle it for now"
"Then why are you in here?"
"There's someone that wants to speak to a manager about an interview. And since your kind of acting manager while Dave isn't here. You have to sort it out"
"What? Has Dave said it's ok?"
"I just managed to call him and he said we need the help so send her in"
"Ummm... alright then. Where's Elliot?"
"Watching TV in the back room"
"Ok then. Send her in"
"Will do boss" he smiles as he says this. I'm guessing he's wanted to say it for the past week.

Just after he leaves the room, a girl with light brown hair, around my own age walks in with a young girl behind her.

"Hi" she says, putting her hand out for me to shake. I shake it and invite her to sit down. She does and starts to talk

"I'm Lori Hylands, here is all of my experience" she hands me a folder "It's not much but-"
"Is that you daughter?" I ask
"Yes. But just because I'm 21 and have a kid doesnt mean that-"
"Hey, it's ok. I'm 22 and I have a 6 year old son... and as you can see, I'm pregnant with my second. That's why I'm the one interviewing you"
"Really. And you know the guy who showed you in here?"
"That's my boyfriend. He's the non-biological dad to my son and the biologal one to this one" I put my hands on my stomach and feel a tiny kick from the baby. "So including you that'll be three of us under the age of 23, being parents"
"What's your name?" Lori asks
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I'm Joyce"
"Nice to meet you. Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"
"No, not really. Interviews here depend on if we like you. Literally the only reason I got hired is because Dave said I had personality"
"So, I'll hear from you soon maybe?"
"That wont be needed. You've got the job. You start Monday?"
"Wait that was it? Oh my god! Thank you so much!" she smiles
"Just one more thing"
"Oh yeah sure, what is it?"
I turn to her daughter "What's your name sweetie?"
"Nell" she whispers
"Well that's a very pretty name, how old are you?"
"I have a little boy who you might want to be friends with when your mommy is at work"
"Yes please" she smiles in the same sort of way that her mom is.

It's amazing that I could give Lori a job. I was in her position once. 21 years old, finally old enough to work in a bar on the outskirts of town where I could make sure that no one knew my name.

But maybe... soon I might want the town to get to know me again....

(A/N Short chapter for you guys as I've had a lot of homework and revision, I'm tired and I have writers block)

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