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Joyce's POV

Baby. Now. I must have said the words out loud, because it mere seconds, Hopper was running around the house trying to find every5img that I would need for the hospital. I can hear him calling Lori from the hallway to ask if Elliott can stay there for a while longer.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. A pain I knew all too well. I'd been having contractions for the last hour or so, but I had just been walking around not wanting to tell Hopper as they weren't that bad. When my water broke I knew it was time to do something, and I guess that is how we got to where we are now. Me, about to punch my hand through a wall, and Hopper calling the hospital ready to make sure they have a room for us when we get there.

"Baby, come on. We've got to get to the hospital" Hopper tells me.
"I know, it's just-" my sentence gets cut off with another contraction. I grab Hopper's hand and squeeze it tightly.
"Joyce, the hospital isn't far and we need to go, let's get you in the car"
"Ok" I say, still trying to recover from the last contraction, that was the worst one over had so far.


We get to the front desk and Hopper tells them my name and my details. After filling out a form, that was definitely not necessary, we finally get a private room.

Hours later, I'm 7 centimetres dilated and the pain has got so much worse. Hopper went out of the room to go and get coffee and I was so terrified. I don't want to even do this at the moment, let alone be alone for any amount of time. I'm shaking by the time he comes back, but when he does I calm down when I see who is with him.

"Hey love, how are you?" Karen asks.
"You know exactly how I am, you've seen me do it before"
"So it's not any better this time round?"
"If anything it's worse"
"And why are you still doing this all naturally?"
"I've been asking myself the same question for the last 4 hours"
"Do you want me here or should I go" she asks, I'm guessing she doesn't really know what to do.
"I do want you here, I really do. But could you do me a favour and go and pick up Elliot from Lori's house and bring him here?"
"Absolutely, love you babe and good luck. See you later"
"Bye" I say as she walks out of the door.

All of a sudden another contraction hits me and I scream. It's unbearable and I just want it to stop. When it does, Hopper, strokes my forehead;

"How bad?" he asks
"Feels like I need to start pushing" I tell him.

Just then, the midwife comes into the room.

"Okay, Joyce I'm just going to see how far you are dilated.
"I'm pretty sure I'm at 10cm, it feels like it did before.
"And you would be right, let's get you through to the delivery room right now. Is your boyfriend the only person going with you?"
"Yeah, will you tell my best friend and my son to wait in the private room when they come here?"
"Of course my darling"

Hopper's POV

I hate this. I hate that Joyce is having to go through the worst pain in her entire life and I can't do anything to help her.

"I see the head!" the midwife says "Joyce I need you to push as hard as you can on the next contraction, okay?"
"Yeah" Joyce whispers, I can see that she is exhausted already and pushing as hard as she can is the one thing she doesn't want to do.

She screams and grips my hand, digging her nails into my fingers. She releases her grasp and a baby's cry is heard. Our baby's cry. Joyce relaxes her body and puts her head on the pillow. They take our baby away to clean them up and do some checks before bringing them back to us.

"Your son is perfectly healthy" she tells us.
"Son?" Joyce repeats "We have a boy?"

The nurse nods and hands our baby boy over to Joyce.

"He's so beautiful" she says "He looks exactly like you"
"As you just said Joycie, he's beautiful. Which can only mean one thing. He looks exactly like you.

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