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Hopper's POV

Joyce's brother died when he was 22. Joyce was only 14 at the time and I looked after her every day since she found out. His name was Jonathan and he was the best role model anyone could ever have. He was the one that practically raised Joyce, their parents were addicts and were never home. I used to think about what different lives both Joyce and I led, and yet we had so much in common.

Joyce's POV

I feel like I haven't gone to see my brothers grave in ages. The last time I went was a year ago. And that time was the only time where I felt like I could actually go without wanting to scream and cry in the middle of the cemetery. Jonathan was an amazing older brother. He never fought with me and always taught me right from wrong. And then, one day... he was gone. Murdered. His girlfriend, Maya, came into our house and found the body. She called the police and I was pulled out of my math lesson and told the news. She rushed into the school and hugged me so tight.

That night I didn't want to sleep in my own bed, I knew I couldn't go over to Karen's because it was a Friday party night, (basically where rich people eat dinner). There was only one place left where I knew I would feel safe, Hopper's. We had been best friends for years and his mom looked after me so well, when I was younger she found out what was happening with my own parents and would cook me a meal every day after school, even though I never asked for it.

But now, back to the present. Where I'm standing in front of his grave trying not to cry. It's only a small headstone as Hopper's mom was the one who bought it and I wouldn't let her spend all her money. It may be simple, but I still love it. I love it because I love my brother. On the headstone it just says 'Jonathan Horowitz, you will be missed'. I guess 14 year old me didn't know what to write. I remember wanting to whole a whole lot of shit on there but realised it probably wouldn't be appropriate.

I sit down on the grass next to the grave and begin to talk;
"Ummm, Hi" I say "God, this is stupid. I guess I've never actually spoken to you before, but now... if the whole 'life after death' thing is true, could you maybe listen to me? Because a lot has happened in the past years since you've been gone. I guess I'll start at theinto beginning... well not the very beginning after you went, but about two years after. I found out I was pregnant. And it was Lonnie's baby. You remeber Lonnie right? You never wanted me hanging out with him and you were so right. But everything happens for a reason because Elliot is one of the best things to come into my life. He has the same blonde hair that we both had when we were younger. It'll probably start going brown soon because he's 6, the same age we both were when our hair went darker. I tried to make a living for me and Elliot when he was a baby, I really did. But I also wanted to hide away so I nm couldn't get a job in the centre of down, which meant that I ended up living off of Karen's rich girl money. And I'm not being ungrateful, I'm really not. But... I just wanted to provide for my kid myself. Anyway... things went ok... apart from the staring when I dropped Elliot off at school (I got used to it pretty quickly though). Now, I have a job working at a bar on the outskirts of town. I'll work there until- actually I'll get into that in a minute. So, when  was working at bar, the owner wanted me to train he new guy, he was the same age as me, so I could do it better. But when the new guy came in I was properly shocked... like I had no idea what to do... because... it was Hopper. Jim Hopper. You know...  I had a huge crush on him since I was 8, but he was my best friend so I didn't do anything about it. Anyways... he found out about Elliot and a lot of stuff happened... but what you really need to know is that we're dating... and I'm pregnant with his baby. And I know it's really still not an ideal situation... I feel like Hopper and I can actually do this well. That's all really... I promise to come here more often from now on. Love you."

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