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Elliot's POV

I feel happy. Mom and Dad are very happy. It's really nice to feel this, like you don't have to think about the world and it can just be you and your family. Jonathan is a cute baby. Well, all babies are kind of gross but Jonathan doesn't cry that much and he is my brother which makes him better than all the other babies.
We got home from the hospital yesterday. Mom is still very tired so dad and me looked after Jonathan so she could sleep for as long as she wanted.

Joyce's POV

I've just woken up from sleeping, I must
have been out for hours because I can see the daylight coming through the curtains. I climb out of bed and wrap my dressing around me. Making my way to the living room, I just stand the doorway looking at my three boys.
Elliot is holding Jonathan, he doesn't look that comfortable, but I guess he's scared of dropping his brother, which is understandable. When I was a kid I was terrified of even going near a baby, they're so tiny and look like they can break so easily. I was even scared when i had Elliot. I was so careful with him for the first year of his life, before I just gave up and let him do whatever he wanted.
Still standing at the edge of the living room, I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe, waiting for Hopper or Elliot to realise that I am there. After five minutes of them still being completely oblivious of my presence, they turn the TV on. I come to my senses and just accept the fact that they have no attention to detail, and I walk in.
Hopper smiles at me as I sit down next to him, while Elliot is still holding Jonathan awkwardly.

"Just woken up?" Hopper asks
"Yeah" I reply, resting my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me, bringing me in closer.
"Mom" says Elliot "Can you take Jonathan off of me now please"
"Of course baby" I say, taking my newborn out of my six year olds arms and cradling him close.

"Everything is perfect isn't it" Hopper says
"Absolutely" I reply

A/N I know it's really short, and nothing happens, but I'm really struggling to write good stuff at the moment while I already have essay's to write for school. Sorry everyone xxxx

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