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Joyce's POV

"I do," those were the words that made my life complete, ten years ago now. Those were the words that let me marry the boy that seven year old me had a crush on. Those were the words that let me marry the love of my life. And now, I think about those words as I stand in a crowded airport, twisting my wedding ring around my finger.
Elliot is sixteen now, and at 6"5 he is so much taller than me, but will always still be my baby boy.
Jonathan is ten, and unlike his older brother has not yet had his growth spurt and is the smallest in his class at school.
Then my seven year old twins, William or Will for short, and Jane. They are probably the most energetic, loud and excitable kids you will ever meet and right now, Elliot has grabbed them both by the shoulders so they don't run away.

Elliot's POV

"Hey you two" I kneel down and whisper to the twins. "I've alrwady told Jonathan, but when dad comes,  don't run straight to him, let mom go first. This has been really hard on her and she deserves to have a bit of happiness without us for once.
"Sure" says Jane and Will nods in agreement.

Joyce's POV

All of a sudden, numbers of men and women in army uniforms start coming around the corner. It's hard to make out who anyone, but as soon as his head peers around the corner, I instantly know it's him. He smiles at me and runs through the airport, he gets to me, picks me up bridal style, swings me round and outs me safely back down on the ground. I lean up to kiss him and he gently puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me back, softly but with passion. We break away from the kiss and look into each others eyes.

"Two years was far too long" I say, tears running down my face.
Hopper wipes them with his hand and says "Everyday I thought about you, about everything about how beautiful you look and about how special reuniting with you would be"
"I love you so much, I've missed you so much"
"I love you too" he says kissing my forehead.

The kids run over and the twins immediately go either side of their dad to cuddle him. Wiping my tears and laughing, I get Jonathan and pull him into the hug with all of us. Elliot is left standing next to us, probably pretending that he has no idea who we are, until Jane pulls on his jumper and he comes in for the group hug.


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