Lydia Martin Pt. 2

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I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and onto my face. I looked down and saw Lydia was still fast asleep, our legs were tangled together and she was facing away from me with her hands tucked underneath her face. Her hair was a mess everywhere I tucked a few pieces behind her ear and smiled at her sleeping figure. She started to stir and her eyes cracked open and she smiled at me, "good morning." I chuckled, "good morning Lydia." I got up from behind her and started walking to the kitchen, "where are you going?"

I turned and she was sat up with a frown on her face, "I'm making us breakfast not leaving." I walked back over and kissed her, "now how do you like your eggs?" she giggled and kissed me again, "surprise me." She laid back down and I felt her eyes on my back the entire way to the kitchen. I quickly made our food then came back to her. She was laid on her stomach and her breathing was evened out. I crouched down and whispered in her ear, "Lydia love our food is done." she yawned stretching then sat up with a sleepy smile on her face.

She leaned forward and laid her head on my shoulder, "I feel like I could sleep forever." I chuckled pushing her straight up and kissed her forehead, "well we need to eat and it'll help with that annoying little hangover you've got." I handed her the plate and she just pushed her food around at first before taking a bite and humming, "god this is amazing you are cooking for our date I won't accept anything else." I chuckled, "I think I can arrange something." I checked my phone, "after you eat you'll need to get ready I'm having Allison, Malia, and Kira take you out today."

She nodded while continuing to eat so I headed up to one of the spare bedrooms and collected some clothes that should fit Lydia. I asked Allison about her sizing before so I stocked up on some clothes that would be her size but then again I have extra clothes for everyone in the pack since this was supposed to be a safehouse so in case anything happened I would have clothes for everyone. I headed back downstairs, "I have some clothes that should fit you and you can also use my shower in the master bedroom. It has multiple different scents of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash just use whatever you like."

She sighed and got up wrapping her arms around me, "can you shower with me nothing has to happen." I cocked a brow at her but relented as I saw her puppy eyes looking at me, "alright fine but nothing happens." she picked up the clothes and kissed me before walking towards the master bedroom and I could hear the water turn on and I chuckled to myself, "what is this girl doing to me?" I gathered all the dirty dishes and put them in the sink to wash later before heading to the closet in the bedroom and picking out a change of clothes for myself. I also grabbed a couple of fluffy towels, setting them on the towel rack outside the shower.

I stripped and entered the shower just watching her for a moment she had her head tilted back allowing the water to slip through her strawberry blonde hair. She sighed contently before opening her eyes and smiling at me I grabbed the coconut shampoo and squirted some onto my palm before lathering it before putting it into her hair gently scraping my nails on her scalp while massaging the shampoo on her hair. She rinsed that out and I grabbed the matching coconut conditioner and quickly massaged that through her hair as well and she turned grabbing the strawberry shampoo for me and I dampened my hair before turning allowing her to apply the shampoo to my hair.

I rinsed that out then she applied the matching conditioner to my hair then I grabbed an exfoliating vanilla scented body wash and used washrag to gently scrub at her skin allowing her to take the rag and wash her intimate areas. She did the same to me. We finished showering and I handed her two fluffy towels before wrapping my hair into a towel then wrapping my body in a towel. There was a knock on the door downstairs and so I left her to get dressed while I went and let the others in.

Mailia lifted a brow when she saw me in the towel, "she's almost ready, give her a few moments." I heard Scott and Stiles in the distance, "bro she's in a towel." I rolled my eyes at Scott and I knew the wolf hearing would allow him to hear me clearly, "Scott Michael McCall exactly I'm in a towel so stop peeking." Kira covered her mouth to stop the giggles and I left the door open heading back upstairs to get dressed and I saw Lydia looking for something, "what are you looking for my love?" she threw her hands up, "one of my earrings fell out and I can't find it."

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