Lydia Martin Pt. 1

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"Alright write your name on the slips of paper I placed in front of you guys and then place it into this hat." I silently groaned at the redhead' request but complied nonetheless even though she never quite explained what this was about, "alright any volunteers to go first." Scott raised his hand, "I have a question: what exactly are we doing?" her answer was simple, "seven minutes in heaven." my eyes widened before I slammed my head down onto the counter, "you alright Y/n?" I gave a thumbs up to Stiles' question. Stiles stood and walked over to the hat and picked out a folded piece of paper he paled as he unfolded it and read out the name, "D-Derek." Lydia smirked at the pair shoving them into the tiny closet together, "seven minutes as soon as the door locks." I silently prayed that my wolf hearing wouldn't betray me and let me hear anything I didn't want to. I knew that my uncle had a crush on the hyperactive young boy and if he made Derek happy then I wouldn't interfere they came out and it was obvious something happened as Stiles' usually styled hair was out of place and I gave my uncle a thumbs up making him roll his eyes, "since you're so enthusiastic Y/n why don't you go next." I dared daggers at Derek as Lydia pushed the hat out for me to pick a name. I did it begrudgingly and my eyes widened at the name and my eyes slowly looked back up at the redhead, "well who is it?" I shook my head and she snatched the paper out of my hands and smiled, "alright in we go then." Derek did a little wave to me making me glare harder at him and as soon as we entered the closet we were enveloped into darkness but I could see pretty good with my werewolf sight. I sighed, "I'm sorry Lydia I know you still like Jackson and aren't into girls so we can just sit here until the time's up." there was a snort right outside the door, "we're not letting you out until something happens." it was Scott's voice so I hit the door hard and there was a not so manly squeak that was followed by a thud Lydia chuckled making let a tiny smile grace my lips, "wow stop the press there's a Hale who knows how to smile." I rolled my eyes, "it only comes out around you guys." her eyes widened, "really?!" I nodded and my eyes widened as she got closer and lowered her voice so that anyone outside the closet even with werewolf hearing would have to strain to hear it, "wanna put on a show for them?" I lifted a brow and noticed the smirk on her face and I grinned nodding. We waited for the six minute mark then she got into my space and my breath caught in my throat, "ready?" I nodded and she closed the distance, locking our lips together. I got lost and didn't even catch the door opening. It was only when the door opened and the whooping and hollering that I realized that time was up, "get it Y/n!" I growled at Jackson flashing my red eyes at him effectively shutting him up. I got up red cheeked and rushed to my room ignoring the murmurs of confusion except for Derek who sat there quietly knowing exactly what was running through my head. I closed the door and slumped onto my bed covering my face trying to keep my heartbeat in check as tears burned at the rims of my eyes there was a gentle knock that probably wouldn't have been heard without my werewolf hearing, "yeah." it was a struggle to keep my voice steady but I managed it, "it's Lydia can I come in?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes making sure all the evidence of tears was gone, "um yeah sure." I sat up and Lydia entered with a cautious smile, "hey." I looked at my carpet curling my toes, "hey." she sat next to me, "I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable." I shook my head, "it's not that actually." I shook my head, cutting off what I was gonna say, "did you like it?" I sighed nodding, "yeah and I like you." I figured it was my only shot to tell her, "can I tell you a secret?" I searched her eyes, "I like you too?" her heartbeat remained steady revealing that she was telling the truth, "what?" I was in shock, "I like you too." I grabbed her face and slowly pulled her in for another kiss. It was slow and sweet and she slowly fell back onto the bed, "you know there's a pack of wolves downstairs right?" I smirked, "better make sure to be quiet then." she looked at me intrigued and nodded, "okay." she giggled, "what if Derek hears?" we both broke into laughter as Derek called out, "I'll get payback sooner or later." I looked to my window and quietly opened it climbing out onto the fire escape helping Lydia out, "my house?" I shook my head, "nope I have somewhere better actually." We slowly climbed down and I held my hand out for her to take and she did. We walked about two miles into the woods when she made the horrible, cheesy joke, "you're not gonna kill me are you?" I rolled my eyes smiling when my cabin came into view, "this is your place?" I nodded, "whenever I get stressed or something I came here to escape everything no one knows about it well except you now." I grabbed the key I kept hidden and unlocked the door and entered closing it behind Lydia, "before we do anything I wanna take you out on a date." she looked surprised, "so why did we come here if nothing was gonna happen?" I grabbed my strongest whiskey out of the alcohol cabinet along with a concoction of wolfsbane, "we are going to get drunk then cuddle." she lifted one her perfect brows, "you realize I'm not drinking age yet right?" I nodded, "neither am I but I won't tell on you if you don't tell on me." she accepted the glass offered to her and took a sip, "sounds like a plan then." and that's how the rest of the evening went drinking then cuddling and eventually falling asleep on the couch too tired to make it to the bedroom.

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