Stiles Stilinski

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Requested by sunnyj_205 I am so sorry that it took so long

I was at Derek's for what seemed like the hundredth time this week just talking about school and life until he started a new conversation, "so tell me more about your crush on Stiles." I rolled my eyes, "he's funny, he's sarcastic, he makes me smile on days that it felt impossible to, he just makes my life so much better and it feels like I can go to him for anything." Derek looked at me, "I feel like there's more to it." I sighed, "it feels as though we're connected somehow I guess like when he's sad I can't help but feel sad and when he's happy I can't wipe the smile off of my face."

As I was speaking I had a smile on my face, "I'm in love with him." I froze and tears filled my eyes. I had never said it out loud and I covered my face letting out sobs, "I'm freaking in love with him." Derek practically pulled me into his lap placing my head on his chest and just petted my hair, "it's scary at first I know." he tried comforting me and I quickly tried to compose myself as the door burst open revealing Scott and Stiles.

I wiped the tears off of my face, "what the hell happened are you okay?" I nodded, pushing my brothers worrying hands off of me, "yeah I'm fine I was just talking with Derek but I think I'm just gonna go home now I'll see you later." I ignored Stiles as I exited the loft holding back tears. I headed home as I said I was going to and I slid under the covers and allowed my tears to soak up all of the tears that escaped my eyes. I heard my door open, "hey sweetie are you okay?"

I didn't say anything to my mom and she sat on the edge of my bed and kissed my forehead, "I'm if you need me okay?" I nodded and then grabbed her hand as she went to get up and leave, "what was it like when you first fell in love with dad?" she gave me a small smile and slid under the covers with me, "it felt like I was walking on clouds, I was indescribably happy." she smoothed my hair down, "is this about Stiles?" I nodded sniffling and she pulled me into her side.

"Oh baby it'll be okay I'm sure he'll come around he's a smart boy." I sobbed, "but he loves Lydia." she just let me cry like a baby into her shirt, "you should talk to him." I shook my head and she sighed but didn't say anything. I managed to fall asleep and when I woke up I was alone. My throat felt drier than the Sahara Desert and I had a headache from crying but I forced myself to get up and go to the bathroom. I didn't look any better than what I felt my nose was really red and sore as it began to go raw and peel from how much I wiped my nose while crying.

I threw my hair up into a bun, did my business then laid back down, "sweetheart breakfast is ready." I ignored my mom not feeling like eating. I grabbed my earbuds and mp3 player off of my nightstand and played 'The Other Girl' by Kelsea Ballerini and Halsey on repeat, wiping the tears when they began to fall again. A few hours later Stiles peeked his head into my room and I paused my music but didn't take out my headphones hoping he would get the point but he didn't leave, "hey." it was kind of awkward as he sat on the edge of my bed, "can we talk please?" I sighed, "go ahead talk."

Stiles POV

"Dude, tell me what happened." Scott sighed, "fine but you cannot say a word to her, got it?" I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway, "I heard her tell Derek that she's in love with you." I felt my heart stop, "she loves me." it was a hushed whisper he patted my shoulder, "if you don't feel the same let her down gently she's been through enough you may be like a brother to me Stiles but if you hurt her more than necessary I will punch you." I couldn't help but chuckle at his threat, "I got it man thanks for telling me." he nodded and headed the opposite way.

Y/n's POV

"Scott told me." my eyes snapped to him, "what?" I got off of my bed and so did he, "Scott told me what you said at Derek's yesterday." I gulped but he crossed the room in two strides and smashed our lips together and my eyes were wide for a moment for sliding closed and I allowed myself to relax and move my lips against his. I allowed myself to sit in that blissful feeling for a moment before pulling back, "what was that for?" It was a hopeful tone along with the fear of rejection.

"That was me realizing I was an idiot for using Lydia as a distraction from realizing who I truly wanted and that's you." tears formed again, "Stiles if this is out of pity then pl- mpfh." he smashed our lips together again and poured everything he could into it, "I would never lead you on like that Y/n." a smile creeped onto my face and soon he followed, "I love you Y/n L/n." I looked into his eyes, "I love you Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski." he pulled me into a hug and I allowed myself to relax into his chest until we heard a camera, "told you he'd come around." I smiled at my mom, "yeah, yeah you did and once again you were right." I giggled in happiness.

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