Aiden Steiner

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Trigger Warning: mention of child abuse and suicide DO NOT READ IF THAT BOTHERS YOU!

I jumped as someone appeared in my peripheral vision but I relaxed when I saw one of the twins as I shut my locker, “Ethan?” he shook his head, “Aiden.” he nodded, “sorry it’s still a little difficult to tell who’s who.” he chuckled, “that’s alright got anything planned?” I hummed thinking about it, “U have to study later but I think that’s it.” I hid a yawn behind my hand trying not to show how exhausted I truly was and he gave me a beaming smile, “well wanna cheer me on at practice?” I lifted a brow, “do I look like a cheerleader Aiden?” he went to answer but I stopped him, “I’m not never will be but sure why not i have nothing better to do to pass the time.” we walked towards the field and I started to head to the bleachers when Ethan jogged up to me, “hey Newbie.” I shoved his shoulder, “loser.” he looked around, “what are you doin’ here?” I pointed towards Aiden, “being his cheerleader apparently.” I looked up and saw Danny sitting on the top row of the bleachers, “maybe Danny is gonna be yours.” I wriggled my eyebrows at him as he groaned and I skipped a few steps as I climbed them, “I thought you were on the team.” I’ve only been in Beacon Hills for two weeks but I quickly familiarized myself, “I am but the coach just wants me to watch until my hand heals.” he held up his left hand revealing his middle finger and ring finger taped together. The whistle blew signaling the start of practice, “bet ya twenty dollars Aiden scores more than Ethan.” we shook in it and watched intently with my cheering every time Aidened scored and in the end Aiden scored twelve while Ethan scored ten. We walked down the bleachers together and when I got to the bottom I held my hand out and he sighed, slapping a twenty onto my palm, “what was that about?” I smirked at Ethan, “just about how Aiden kicked your ass.” He narrowed his eyes and charged at me, making me squeal and start running. I quickly hid behind Aiden who teamed up with his twin and started to tickle me, “I GIVE! I GIVE!” Aiden smirked, “say Aiden Steiner is your favorite twin.” I was gasping, “Ethan is better and you’re a loser.” a look of hurt passe his face but it disappeared just a quickly as it came as he tickled me more, “okay okay Aiden Steiner is my favorite twin.” he stopped and I took a deep breath and leaned on his shoulder as I caught my breath, “I hate you so much.” he waited for me to catch my breath, “do you need a ride home?” I shook my head, “nope I came on my bike.” he looked disappointed but walked to my bike which happened to be parked next to his and he let out a low whistle of appreciation, “nice bike.” I smiled sadly, “thanks it was my dads.” my past was a sore subject, “so how exactly are you related to Stilinski?” I sighed, “how about you come to my house and I’ll explain the story of my life to you.” he looked over at Ethan calling out, “hey tell the group I might be a little late.” he straddled his bike, “I’ll follow you.” I nodded and immediately decided to take the long way home to help me prepare for the bombshell that I called my life, ‘so do you want something to drink?” he studied me for a moment before nodding, “water’s fine.” I pointed to the couch, “make yourself at home.” I braced myself on the counter closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before reaching into the cupboard and grabbed him a glass and filled it with water and then grabbed a beer for myself, “ok I’m gonna warn you my story isn’t pretty are you sure you wanna hear it?” he nodded, “well to answer your earlier question I am technically his cousin.” I was the daughter of Stiles’ mom’s sister, “it was great in the beginning I’ll admit I was slightly spoiled but when I was eight years old Aunt Claudia died two years younger than Stiles.” he interrupted me, “wait if you’re two years older how are you a junior with Ethan, Stiles, Scott, and the rest of us?” I rolled my eyes, “skipping grades anyway on with my sob life story.” he went quiet making me continue, “it hit my mom pretty hard and she started to drink excessively and that’s when the abuse began she demand I’d clean the entire house and make sure that it was spotless when it was done and if she didn’t like the way I cleaned something then she would hit me.” I swallowed a gulp of beer as the memories seared into my brain, “but as I got older she began to take all her anger out on me she’d come home from work and drown herself in booze then beat me but she always made sure to not allow any of the bruises to show.” I had scars all over my torso from when she’d throw stuff at me and it took everything in me to not let the tears fall, “she knew I was scared of the dark and small spaces so she would lock me in the cabinet underneath the sink.” I quickly wiped the single tear that fell, “it was horrible and my dad left when I was nine due to her drinking problem and the bike was the only thing he left to me finally three weeks ago the guilt and despair consumed her and she jumped off a bridge into oncoming traffic.” I sobbed into his chest as he pulled me closer, “you didn’t deserve any of that and  I’m sorry you had to endure that.” I pulled away from him and mumbled a weak, “thanks.” I cleared my throat as I wiped my face, “I understand if you don’t wanna be- mphf” I was cut off but him kissing me, “I never wanna leave your side.” he kissed me again but I broke away with a yawn, “sorry.” he chuckled, “when was the last time you slept?” I checked my phone calendar, “um today is day sixteen without sleep.” he lifted me up and carried me to my bedroom laying on the bed with me and left Ethan a voicemail, “I’m not leaving your side until I’m sure you got enough sleep.” he kissed me gently, “goodnight Y/n.” I laid my head on his chest finally letting the exhaustion overcome me, “goodnight babe.” 

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