Isaac Lahey

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I was getting ready for bed when my phone rang and I checked the caller ID and it said Isaac’s House Phone I answered worried, “hello?” there were sniffles on the opposite side of the line, “Y/n?” I cooed, “Isaac honey what’s wrong what happened?” he sobbed, “my father.” I immediately grabbed my keys ignoring the fact that I was only in a tank top and pair of cut off shorts, “I’m on my way baby is he still there?” he stumbled over his words, “I don’t- I think- I-” his breath hitched, “it’s okay Isaac I’ll be there in five minutes.” I felt so much hatred towards his dad and I never liked to say I hated someone but I definitely hated him. I ran multiple red lights and stop signs as I dialed Derek’s number when he answered he sounded exhausted, “hello?” I rushed my words and I don’t even know if half of what I said was legible to him due to how fast I was speaking, “Derek I know it’s late and you’re probably exhausted and so I’m sorry and I’ll owe you one but I need you to get to Issac’s house now I’ll explain later but right now I just need you to get to his house.” I hung up  before he could respond and I started to bite my lip as I sped up. I pulled into Isaac’s driveway and jumped out of the car not even bothering to turn it off first I ran into the house and saw Isaac’s father sitting at the table with a glass of whiskey in his hand swirling it around, “ahh look it’s the oh so noble Y/n coming to poor little Isaac.” I felt my eyes shift to a boiling red, “you bastard.” I spit out at him and I knew even with my werewolf strength there was no way I was going to be able to completely defend myself against him and he was going to do some injuries that would take my healing capabilities to take longer to heal, “y’know that worthless piece of shit deserves everything that’s coming his way.” I growled, “no he doesn't deserve any of this he deserves a family that will care for him he deserves happiness HE DESERVES LOVE DAMNIT!” I lost my cool and he snarled at me throwing the glass at my face. I barely managed to move out of the way and that seemed to piss him off more, “you’re gonna wake up to your sad, miserable life and realize that Isaac will never love you.” He looked me up and down making me shiver in disgust, “you’re nothing more than a toy for a man to use than to toss aside.” He tackled me to the ground and I tried to claw at him wincing as my head hit the edge of the coffee table making blood drip down the side of my neck. He began to rip my shirt making me panic and I kneed him in the crotch, “don’t touch me you dirty old bastard.” I ran past him and pounded on Isaac’s door, “Isaac hun it’s Y/n can you let me in.” The door cracked open and I slipped in quickly closing it and locking it behind me. He took in my partially ripped top and blood on my neck and tears filled his eyes, “oh no honey don’t cry this isn’t your fault.” he nodded backing up against the wall, “it’s all my fault.” I shook my head getting closer to him, “no it is not Isaac it is nobody's fault but your father’s don’t worry Derek is on his way and trust me when he sees your appearance there will be hell to pay.” Derek saw me as a little sister and him a little brother so he was really protective of us, “you called Derek?!” I nodded, “he’s gonna get you out of here.” I shivered realizing how cold it was in my select clothing, “here.” he handed me a hoodie and I gave him a small smile and I grabbed his suitcase, “start packing you leave tonight.” he listened to me and started to pack as I headed into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit from underneath the sink. I wiped off the blood from my neck and slipped on the hoodie I exited the bathroom to see that Isaac was mostly done with his packing so I pointed to the bed, “sit I’m gonna fix you up.” he listened and I squatted in front of him, “alright this is probably gonna burn a little bit so I’m sorry.” I pressed it onto the slice on his cheek making him wince. I inspected it further once the blood was out of the way, “alright there’s a little piece of glass still stuck in there and then it’ll need a stitch or two.” I heard a roar and small smirks appeared on our faces as we heard his father let out an unmanly squeal. I grabbed the tweezers and Isaac’s eyes started to droop, “hey I know you’re tired but I need you to stay awake until I finish this up and then you can doze off okay.” he gave me that dopey smile of his making me smile back. I took out the piece of glass and quickly stitched up the gash on his cheek, “alright lay down I’m gonna go help Derek.” he grabbed my hand as I went to leave, “stay please.’ I gave him a smile and caved, “okay.” he lifted the blankets and I slipped in beside him, “he was wrong.” I looked up at him, “what do you means Is?” he got a smile on his face that said he knew something I didn’t, “I love you.” I gave a sad smile, “I love you too.” he shook his head, “I love you.” I grinned giggling, “I know Isaac I love you too you’re my best friend.” he gave up on words and kissed me taking me by surprise as he was normally shy about this kind of stuff. I kissed him back, scooting a little closer to him, “will you be my girl?” I tucked a curl behind his ear grinning ear-to-ear, “I’d like nothing more.” he smiled tucking his arm around my waist, “goodnight girlfriend.” The dopey smile returned making one appear on my face, “goodnight boyfriend.” and he fell asleep as we entangled our legs with that dopey smile of his. 

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