Stiles Stilinski (SMUT)

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I stood in the corner with a drink that I had yet to take a sip from. I felt the presence of Scott next to me but I ignored it as I continued to watch Stiles from the corner, "what's wrong? You seem tense." I shrugged, "something feels off like something is gonna happen I guess." Stiles came to stand next to me, "hey bro." they fist bumped, "well the pack is here to back you up if something does alright?" I nodded giving him a small smile and he started to walk away, "oh Scott you're still coming to dinner with Isaac and the rest of the pack tomorrow right?" he nodded, "oh great um I'll see you at six then." just then the redhead I've despised since sixth grade walked up and placed her hand on Stiles' chest, "hey Stiles how are you?" Stiles looked over at me nervously, "oh hey L-Lydia I-I'm good." she ran her hand lower but right before she could reach her destination I grabbed her hand with a growl, "don't you ever touch my boyfriend like that again go it?" her grin grew as she saw my eyes had changed color with my anger, "oh look at that the poor wolf girl actually thinks that good looking, popular Stiles actually loves her let's not forget who he's been infatuated with since the third grade." I felt my heart shatter a little at her words and she cackled as she pulled Stiles down into a kiss making me growl louder than I thought possible ignoring the warning look from Derek across the room as I ripped her off of him slapping her and getting into her face, "keep your dirty, grubby hands off of him you twisted, screaming freak!" I stormed out of the party as I felt my wolf begging to be let out so she could rip out her throat, "Y/n wait!" Stiles grabbed my arm but I quickly pulled it out of his grip, "Stiles stop I don't want to accidentally hurt you I'll see you back at the house alright." I went to walk away but I motioned to my mouth, "and make sure to wash your mouth before I get back." with that I stormed into the woods shifting into my wolf form running out my anger. I found myself near a creek and I stopped to admire my wolf form, my heterochromia stays with my eyes half blue and half red, my fur is black with some red patches in it and I have some white spots on my nose. I snapped my body sideways, dropping into a defensive position before relaxing as Derek made himself visible, "Hey pup." I shifted back to my human form, "hey Der." now that the anger was gone all I wanted to do was cry and so that's exactly what I did. Derek dropped down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders laying my head on his shoulder, "she was right." he clicked his tongue, "no she wasn't." I chuckled tearily, "yes she was Stiles' had been infatuated with her since the third grade and when he finally realized he wasn't able to get the girl he wanted he took pity on the freak "new girl" who was a loner." it was true Stiles was so caught up in Lydia he thought I was a new transfer student, "trust me he didn't I remember when he first came to my loft and rambled for two hours about how you were perfect and you would never fall for someone like him you wanna know what I told him?" I smiled softly, "that he wasn't in love and only sixteen years old?" he chuckled, shaking his head, "no I told him to man up and ask you out on a date I mean after all the ramblings I heard from you I doubted you would turn him down." I nodded, "I still haven't told him." his eyes widened, "you haven't?!" I scoffed, "how exactly do you tell someone that you're their mate." he flailed his arms, "just like that." I snorted, "if it's so easy then why haven't you told Jackson?" he paled as he went silent, "uh-huh that's what I thought." Derek sighed, "well pup it's better that you tell him now rather than later he'll be hurt if you don't and if it all goes south you can hit me." I stood sighing as I brushed off the dirt and leaves off of my pants before hugging Derek, "love ya Der." he hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head, "love you too pup now go get your mate." I took off running towards the direction of Stiles' house but when I got to the tree that allowed me to get to Stiles' window I hesitated recompenplating my decision.  I took a deep breath and started to climb the tree before I could talk myself out of it. I smiled as I saw him typing away on his computer but I knew that he was zoned in so if I tapped on his window he wouldn't hear it so I slid his window open and carefully pulled myself in closing and locking the window behind me. I let my eyes scan the screen and I noticed that he was searching if wolves actually have mates or not, "we do actually." he jumped a mile high and spun around clutching his chest, "god babe don't do that." I smiled sheepishly and apologetically, "sorry." he pulled me into a kiss and I could taste the mint on his lips making me smile, "she was wrong just so you know I love you and only you." he tone was on the verge of frantic, "I believe you babe, but there is something I need to tell you." I sat on his bed, "I was afraid to tell you because I thought it would change what you think of this relationship but now I'm scared if I don't tell you I'll lose you." his heartbeat picked up along with his breathing, "what?" I gripped his hand a little tighter as I whispered, "you're my mate." his eyes widened, "I'm your-" he stopped and stared at me for a moment before hovering over me and kissing me, "I love you and not because of this crazy mate bond thing I swear."

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