Thiam (malexmale)

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Theo's P.O.V.

We were sitting at the diner and I had watched the waitress flirt with Liam for the past twenty minutes and I was done with it, "alright folks here's the check just call me over when you're ready to pay." she winked at Liam before she left and he gave her a smile. It was the last straw for me and I threw the money for my meal on the table before storming out with a sour feeling in my stomach as I tried to fight back tears for reasons that I couldn't explain.

I got into the passenger side of the car and slammed the door slumping in the seat as I sniffled. I saw Liam come running out and he quickly spotted me in the car and he rushed over, "Theo what's wrong?" he placed his hand onto my shoulder but I quickly shrugged it off and turned to look out the window. I heard a soft sigh and he started the car without another word just letting me have the silence I needed to think and I was grateful for that.

We arrived to our apartment complex and I climbed out the car and walked to the door buzzing in and held it open for Liam. He followed silently and when we got to the apartment I place the keys on the counter and he made the first attempt to talk, "can we talk about this I don't want you to ignore me I don't know what I did wrong." he sounded like he was gonna cry and I looked up, "I don't know Liam I really don't know what's wrong." he studied me, "was it the waitress?"

I looked at the floor and nodded, "she was openly flirting with you and you were giving her the attention I wanted." if he wanted me to be honest I was going to be completely open to him. He gasped and if it wasn't for my ability of better hearing I probably never would have heard it, it was so quiet.

Liam's P.O.V.

"She was openly flirting with you and you were giving her the attention I wanted." I gasped but it was really quiet. I was shocked I wanted him to be honest with me but I never expected that. I gulped letting it process, "you like me?" he nodded, "I think so because ever since I met you all I've ever wanted was to be a better person I never cared about that before all I used to care about was power." I watched in shock as tears actually started to fall.

"Whenever I'm around you I can genuinely smile and be happy and when you're not around I feel so fucking lonely and like I'm drowning in my own fucking head." Tears welled in my eyes at the thought of him suffering alone, "why didn't you say anything Theo?" he growled quietly, "because I don't understand it Liam I don't know what to say or what to do about it." he was obviously growing frustrated, "okay well what if I told you, you were my anchor."

His eyes shot to mine and his voice showed his vulnerability and it made me heart shatter at the sound of it, "what?" he sounded like he couldn't believe it, "you're my anchor Theo ever since I met you I've known I just didn't know how to tell you." it felt like my heart was about to drop into my stomach. It was like he was searching my body language and listening to my heartbeat to make sure I wasn't lying about that. I slowly walked closer giving him time to back away if he wanted to.

Theo's P.O.V

He walked slowly towards me giving me a chance to back away but I've run from my problems long enough it's time for me to face them head on for once. He stopped right in front of me and his eyes glanced down to my lips then back up to my eyes to remake eye contact. He slowly placed his hands on my face and I leaned into the warm touch and he slowly pulled me towards him. He only brushed our lips together teasingly and I decided that I didn't want to take it that slow.

I slowly pressed our lips together firmly, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me and nipped at his bottom lip. He let a soft moan out and it was like music to my ears. I nipped at it again because I wanted to hear that noise again and he made it again except it was a little louder this time. I used my strength to pick him up and sit him onto the counter. He quickly wrapped his legs around my waist pulling me even closer. It was beginning to become a struggle to breathe.

I pulled away for a brief moment allowing us to catch our breath, "do you actually want this?" I was kind of surprised by the amount of hope in my tone. He didn't respond with words but instead pulling me back and kissing me long and hard, "we'll take this slow to make sure we don't ruin this by rushing." I nipped at his ear making his breath catch, "hopefully not too slow." and that's how the rest of the night was spent cuddling and sweet, loving kisses that made my heart want to explode.

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