Stiles Stilinski (SMUT)

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Requested by stilesqvelos sorry if it's not completely what you wanted...Hope you enjoy :)

I opened the loud metal door leading to the underground tunnels when I heard grunting and I realised who it was. It was my boyfriend Theo. I rushed down the stairs but tears came to my eyes as I saw Theo kissing another girl who I didn’t recognize but my gasp made them pull apart and Theo had the audacity to smirk at me, “sorry babe you just weren’t cutting it.” I ripped her off of him and growled as I pulled him up making him grunt, “how dare you Theo Raeken.” I threw him, making him shout in pain as he collided with the concrete wall. 

“I risked it all for you.” I laughed bitterly to myself, “but I should have seen this coming, you were too good to be true.” I stormed out and I took quick breaths attempting to calm myself down as I walked down the abandoned streets before stopping in front of a semi-familiar house and I took a hesitant step towards the house then I turned, “but what if he’s not home.” I chewed on my nail internally arguing with myself for a moment then forced myself to walk to his front door and I knocked probably a little too gingerly.

I waited a few moments and when I didn’t hear any response I gulped, knocking a little bit harder to where his voice called out, “it’s open.” I cracked the door open, peeping in before fully pushing it open and stepping in closing it quietly behind me, “hey Sc-” his eyes widened at me nervously standing there, “hey Stiles.” he took a step back, “I’m not here to hurt you.” I looked up from my shoes, “I didn’t know where else to go.” The tears were back, “I’ll just go.” I didn’t have anywhere else to go and I knew it was a long shot after all my boyf- I shook my head. 

My ex-boyfriend was terrorizing him and his friends. I wouldn’t trust me either if I were in his shoes. I closed my eyes for a brief moment attempting to keep the tears hidden, “sorry you were obviously expecting someone else I’m just gonna-” I turned to leave but I jumped when his hand wrapped around my arm making me look up at him, “no um it’s uh it’s alright I just wasn’t expecting you, please sit down.” he led me to his living room area and motioned towards the couch and I hesitantly sat down fiddling with my fingers. 

“So can you finally tell me the full truth?” I cleared my throat, “Stiles, I would but they'll kill me.” he sat next to me, “I won’t let them.” a single tear slipped from my eye and he wiped it away, “they’re the dread doctors that’s what I was told to call them Theo and I were their first successful experiments Chimeras are what we’re called Theo is a werecoyote and I’m a kitshee which is a banshee and Kitsune.” I knew there was no going back now, “they took me in when my family died and I was there longer then Theo. I've been with them since I was five years old.” 

It felt like I could genuinely trust him and I’ve never felt like that before and I leaned in capturing his lips. I had kissed multiple people before but none of them had felt like this before and I realised he wasn’t responding and I pulled back, “sorry.” I scooted further away from him but he pulled me into his lap making my breath catch in my throat as he just stared at me. I rolled my eyes making his eyes slip shut and his breathing slowed significantly as a groan escaped his throat.

His hands shot to my waist forcing them to stay in place and when his eyes opened his pupils were dilated making the color of his eye be a tiny sliver that you could barely see, “don’t start something you can’t finish.” a wolfish grin creeped into my lips and I clicked my tongue, “what makes you think I can’t finish this?” I ground my hips down again and he groaned again tightening his grip on my hips before flipping us so that I was lying on the couch and he was hovering over just staring at me, “you sure?” 

I pulled him down locking our lips for a moment, “fuck away the pain Stilinski.” he surprised me with his strength as he picked me up and put me over his shower making me bounce with every step he went up. I smacked his ass making him jump before retaliating and smacking mine in return. He kicked the door closed behind him and I locked the door to make sure any unwanted intruders weren’t able to enter the room easily. He let me fall onto the bed and I giggled as I bounced making him shake his head at me. 

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