Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"I can't keep up with you," Lauren whispers to Molly as they sit at the breakfast counter. "What happened to being a burden and not having feelings for him?"

"Turns out I do," Molly says.

Charlie and Perry are at the other side of the kitchen cooking them breakfast. They seem to be arguing over something to do with the stove. Their other friend also stayed the night and he's sat watching television in the adjacent lounge with a girl. Molly feels better after having two cups of coffee and along with Lauren she's wearing some comfortable sweatpants that Perry allowed them to borrow from his sister's bedroom. His parents are out of town for a few weeks and Molly has already overheard him discussing the idea of another party soon.

"I really like him, Moll," Lauren says giddily as she stares at him with adoration. "I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone. He's so patient, he hasn't pressured me once."

"I thought you'd already slept together," Molly says.

Lauren shakes her head. "No, we've done stuff, lots of stuff, but not that. We haven't really known each other that long but it feels much longer."

"I know the feeling," Molly says as she looks at Charlie. "If you're with the right person then it'll be fine right? Is there like a. . . time limit? I mean how long is too long?"

Lauren grins at Molly. "It's when you're ready and not a moment before."

"But how do I know when I'm ready?" Molly says in frustration. "And how do I know when he's ready?"

Lauren chuckles. "He's a guy he's always ready. Just don't overthink it, you'll make yourself panic. Take it slow, experiment a little, and you'll gradually build your confidence until you know what you want."

"So it's like painting." Molly folds her arms and leans back. "Hm."

"No, it's nothing like painting." Lauren holds her head in her hand as she laughs. "Painting can't get you pregnant or destroy your self-esteem."

"True," Molly says. "I'll take it slow. And maybe I'll do some research."

Lauren nods and they both laugh. Charlie and Perry finally plate their breakfast and they bring it over to them. Molly looks down at the small pile of pancakes, eggs and bacon, along with a third cup of coffee that Charlie passes to her with a smirk.

"You girls better appreciate this food because we risked our friendship over it," Perry says, giving Charlie a sideways glance.

"Eggs should be flipped over!" Charlie says. "Cooking the yolk is the best part."

Lauren lifts her pancakes up with her fork and observes underneath. "So should pancakes."

"I told him that, too," Charlie says.

"Shut up. Do I look like I specialize in cooking breakfasts? Eat it or make your own." Perry smiles when Lauren glares at him. "Please don't leave me."

"Tough choice," Lauren says.

Molly picks up her cutlery and starts cutting into her pancakes as Charlie smiles at her and touches her foot with his. The kitchen is the only area of the house that looks tidy but the rest is a mess. The breakfast didn't come free and the girls have been roped into helping clean up after they've eaten. Molly doesn't mind, it means she'll get to spend more time with Charlie. Everything happened so fast, she woke up feeling the worst she's ever felt and now she couldn't be happier. She knows she'll have to speak to Jack tomorrow and explain everything. He hasn't replied to any of her messages all morning so she's hoping that he'll just blank her.

"I think the party went well," Perry says. "Nothing's broken, there were no fights and no one had sex in my bed."

"There were three fights," Lauren says. "And two of your toilets are broken."

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