Chapter Twenty-Six

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Molly has been sitting for a long time. Even after Alan returned and told her that the judge has agreed to see his lawyer friend tomorrow morning to review her case, she still can't seem to move. Everything hurts and she had to disguise that from him to the best of her ability. He left when Molly's foster parents came. They didn't say a word, they just walked up to her and hugged her. She cried on their shoulder and trembled for what felt like hours and after she was cried out, the familiar silence was born. She's been listening to them attempt to explain the situation for the past twenty minutes and during that time she's been rejecting Charlie's calls.

"There's nothing we can do," Pam says. "We're trying to appeal through the courts but after these recent murders here in California. . ." She takes a deep breath and glances at Daniel with tears in her eyes. "Well, there is one thing we can do."

"Pam, we talked about this."

"I don't care, Daniel!" Pam stands up and spins with a hand to her head. "I have never walked away from a child in need in my life and I'm not about to start now."

"She's not a child."

"She is to me. Look at her, she needs us."

Molly looks up breathlessly with a half-smile. "I'm fine."

"They have no right to just take you away with a few days' notice!" Pam says angrily. "And then have the nerve to offer another child to us like you're replaceable, like we wouldn't even notice. . ." She breathes heavily and faces the wall, thumping her hand against it.

Daniel leans back in his seat and rubs his chin while watching his wife with concern. Molly stares at her phone as it lights up with another message from Charlie.

Stop ignoring me. I'm worried about you. Text me back.

Pam calms herself and sits back down. "Your parents are trusting us to keep you safe so tell us what to do."

"It all depends on the judge tomorrow," Molly says. "They'll decide."

"We're still appealing too," Daniel says. "For after your treatment ends. The judge will only delay your placement for a short time."

"Time is still time," Molly mumbles. "I don't want to think about Saturday. I just want to focus on tomorrow and getting through that."

"We'll be picking you up around noon, we haven't told the kids in case there's a delay or change in circumstances so they will be in for a surprise when they get home from school. They can't wait to see you." Pam smiles and taps her fingers against her leg. "You're all Daisy talks about."

"And Jaz," Daniel says.

"Yeah. Her, too."

"Jaz?" Molly narrows her eyes for a moment.

"Charlie's sister," Pam says. "She's in Daisy's classes at her new school."

"New school?" Molly says. "Wait, when did Daisy move schools?"

"On Monday. We wanted her to be closer to the house."

"I saw her Monday. She didn't mention anything." Molly gasps as she realizes. "Oh, you told her not to. Why would you. . . did you move her because of me? Because you think she's in danger?"

"No," they say together. Pam shakes her head profusely but Molly can tell when Daniel is lying.

"We've been planning the school move for weeks, long before this happened. We just didn't want you to know because we didn't want you to worry. She's settled in fine, obviously made a new best friend that she won't shut up about." Pam laughs to disguise the tension. "Charlie even looked after her yesterday. Daniel, talk now."

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