Chapter Forty-Seven

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Molly hangs up her phone and grabs her keys, she runs down the stairs so fast that Pam and Daniel start yelling at her. She ignores them and gets into her car, driving to the supermarket a few blocks down. She doesn't know which supermarket he was at but she follows the sound of sirens and flashing lights. There's police everywhere, they've cornered off the entrance and Molly can just make out the ruins of a car that's been left at the far end of the parking lot. She gets out and runs over to an officer that's standing guard on the street. She tries to slip by him but he pushes her backwards.

"You can't go in there," he says.

"I need to get in there," she says. "My boyfriend is in there. Was he hit? Is he okay?" Molly holds her mouth as she sees a team of paramedics kneeling down near the car. Charlie's car is still in the lot, and she cries when she looks at it. "Please tell me something!"

"That's your boyfriend?" the officer sighs. "He's involved in a hit and run, he's badly hurt."

"Let me pass, please," she begs. "Please."

He looks at her sadly and then says something into his radio, stepping to the side to let her pass. She runs so fast that she almost falls. The paramedics are lifting someone onto a stretcher and she crashes into the trolley as she looks upon Charlie's unconscious face. There's blood all over him and the wound to his head is severe. She travels in the direction that they push him and she waits as they lift him into the back of the ambulance.

"Can I go with him? Please?" Molly says.

One of the paramedics nods and she jumps up, moving to sit right beside him. She takes his hand, it's cold.

"What's his name?" the paramedic asks her.

"Charlie Park," Molly says.

"Okay, we found his phone but there wasn't any emergency contacts listed. Is there anyone we need to call for you?"

"His mother," Molly sobs, she takes out her phone and scrolls until she finds Samantha's number. She passes him her phone because she wouldn't be able to get a word out right if she had to do it.

The paramedic places the phone to his ear and Molly looks back to Charlie. She squeezes his hand a little tighter, hoping somehow he can feel it so he knows that he isn't alone. The paramedic talks for a few moments and then he passes the phone back over.

"He's going to be okay isn't he?" Molly asks him.

"He's in the best hands," he says.

"But you see these kind of things all the time right? Lots of people survive right?"

"He's sustained some really serious injuries," the man whispers. "Unfortunately, there's no way to tell how bad the damage is until they run tests at the hospital. But they're going to do everything in their power to help him."

Her breath shakes as she looks back to him. Charlie is strong, he's a fighter, and seeing him so vulnerable and helpless doesn't make any sense. She wonders if this is what she looked like to him all those weeks ago and now she is the one that has to hope he finds the hidden strength to live.

When the ambulance stops the paramedic opens the doors and politely gestures for Molly to get out first. She waits further back as a team of doctors come rushing out of the hospital doors and frantic words are exchanged that Molly doesn't understand. They push Charlie through the hallways quickly and she has to jog to keep up. They take him through some double doors and then a doctor stops her from entering.

"You can't go with them," the doctor says. "But we have a private waiting room for family and friends if you wouldn't mind waiting there?"

Molly just nods. He takes her into a spacious room with wooden chairs, a coffee and snack machine and a water dispenser. She goes straight for the water because she feels like she's going to pass out from the dizziness.

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