Chapter Thirty

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Charlie rolls his shoulders back carefully before smacking his fist into the heavy punching bag. He repeats the punches several times before clenching on his teeth and backing away. He rubs his shoulder and glances at the amused, prizing eyes of his friends from across the room.

"What? I have an injury," Charlie says.

"I heard you beat Roy with that injury," Perry says. "Again."

"I heard you humiliated him so bad that he didn't leave his house for two days," James says.

"Since when you do guys listen to high school gossip?" Charlie mumbles as he starts again. He takes four slow swings and then attacks the bag at full force.

"So the video footage is lying?" James says. "Michael, pass me my phone."

"You don't need to play that," Charlie says. "Guys, seriously, don't-" It's too late, Charlie bites on his lip as he hears the video play.

"How do you do that?" Perry demands. "You didn't even hit him once."

"Oh man, Roy's face is a picture!" Michael shouts.

"Wait," Perry says. "This is my favourite part."

Charlie cringes as he hears himself on the footage. "Save it for the field." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, swinging his leg at the bag which knocks it over a few feet. He wipes his forehead and takes a drink of water.

"The only way to deal with a bully is to beat the bully," Perry says enthusiastically.

"I wish those were the rules at my high school," Michael laughs.

"So that's why you dumped Aubrey, huh?" Perry says. "Because every girl in school now wants to date you?"

Charlie stares over at them. "How do you know I dumped Aubrey?"

"Camilla," they all say together.

"She texts me every day," Perry sighs. "Sometimes I don't even reply. How you doing?"

"Fine," Charlie says. "She had already moved on before it even happened. I found her with a guy this morning."

Charlie doesn't want to talk about it but by the looks on their faces it isn't going to be that simple. He picks up a can of beer and takes a seat. The whole day has been insane. He doesn't know much at the moment but what he does know is that Aubrey is the last thing on his mind.

"She cheated on you?" James widens his eyes and shares a look with the others.

"We were on a break," Charlie says. "It doesn't matter anymore."

"I'm trying to work out what could have possibly drove her to run into the arms of another," Perry says as he scratches his chin. "You gave that girl everything."

"Not enough," Charlie mumbles.

"Did you tell her you loved her back?" James asks. "I once got dumped by a girl because I didn't say it."

"I've never said it to anyone," Charlie says quietly.

"You've never told a girl you love her?" Perry's jaw drops. "They like to hear it you know. A lot."

Charlie grins. "I'm sure they do."

"I miss high school," Michael says. "Just wait until you're in college. It's a different ballgame. The girls are smart, they're calculating, they're mean. They don't laugh at your jokes; they just stare at you until you walk away."

"That's just a Michael thing," James says. "You'll be fine."

"I don't know if I'm going to college yet," Charlie says as he plays with his can on the table. "I'm still deciding."

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