Chapter Twelve

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This can't be happening, Molly thinks to herself frantically as the crowd surrounds her. How am I still alive?

She should be in a different world now. She should be in her mother's arms, laughing at her father's unfunny jokes, telling her sister everything she wanted to say over the years. She is not supposed to be laying on the ground with a stranger's arm around her chest or hearing the sounds of people panicking as though an accident has happened. She had it all planned, it wasn't meant to be like this.

"I've called an ambulance, it's going to be alright," someone says, a random woman. "The police are on their way too."

The person that ruined her life refuses to release her. No matter how hard she cries, no matter how loud she calls for help, they all ignore her. They believe him. They believe that she jumped. They believe that him holding her against her will is somehow acceptable.

"What happened to make her do this?" the woman says softly. "Can I talk to her?"

"No. Give us some space," the life-ruiner says. "Can you all back off!"

The small crowd scurries back to the shadows of their cars to wait for the emergency services. Molly doesn't have long, it has to be now. She tries to wiggle out of his hold one final time but his grip is too tight. It is starting to suffocate her.

"You're hurting me," Molly says.

"We both know what will happen if I stop hurting you," he says back.

"I won't try anything," she pleas. "I'll just sit here, you can sit right next to me if you're that bothered."

"Nice try."

Molly stiffens as sirens soar down the bridge. The noise is so loud and their lights so bright that her head begins to spin.

"They're here to help," Charlie says.

"They can't help me. Others need their help, I don't."

Charlie twists them so that Molly is sat upwards but he still holds on to her as uniformed officers make their way over. Molly has met many police officers in her lifetime. They are always there when something bad happens. She has come to connect their presence with a dreadful feeling of fear and uncertainty.

"Hello," says a policewoman with light blonde hair and big, blue eyes. "My name is Jo. What's yours?"

Molly looks away.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me," she says. "I understand the person holding on to you right now is doing that to protect you. Is that right?"

"Yes," Molly says. As much as it pains her, she can't lie about Charlie's intentions. Even though they might not be for that exact reason, he isn't harming her.

"And your name is?" Jo's eyes lift above Molly's shoulder.


"You can let go now, Charlie."

At last Molly is free. His hands remove themselves from around her stomach and she gives out the biggest breath. He stays close though. Behind her. Like a shield between her and the wall.

"Do you want to talk about what happened tonight?" Jo asks Molly directly. "Why were you up on the wall of this bridge?"

"It doesn't matter," Molly mutters. "I just want to go home."

The policewoman smiles warmly. "It does matter I'm afraid. There are some paramedics here that are going to take you to the hospital. Is it okay if I talk to you there?"

"Hospital?" Molly's heart begins to race. "I don't need a hospital. I'm not injured, I'm fine. I just want to go home."

"She's suicidal," the life-ruiner announces. "She was on that wall to jump, to kill herself. She needs help."

"Shut up," Molly hisses. "I was up there because I was stupid and I made a mistake. I didn't jump."

The lie is shameful but it's necessary. If they believe she just fell then they can let her go. No hospitals, no doctors, no prodding around in her head, no seclusion or torment. And she can try again.

"You didn't jump?" Jo asks. "Then why would this person say you were up there to harm yourself?"

"Because it might have looked that way? I don't know. I'm not suicidal."

"She's lying," Charlie says. "Look, look at my hand. She did that when I was trying to pull her back up. She was fighting me."

"I don't know how he got those injuries," Molly whispers. "Maybe he was fighting with someone before he came here. I'm grateful that he saved my life but I didn't jump, I fell."

Jo is conflicted. She looks between them studying their expressions, their eyes, their desperation for both accounts to be believed.

"Okay," Jo says. "How about this? You both come to the hospital to get checked over by a doctor, even if you're physically fine you've still had a shock tonight. I'll come with you and I'll talk to you again after the evaluations. If you're really okay like you say you are then I'll take you home myself."

Molly hears Charlie sigh and it makes her smile.

"Fine," Molly says. "I'll agree to that."

"Good," she says, waving over a male policeman. "This is Peter and he'll escort you to the ambulance. I just need to have a word with Charlie."

Molly reluctantly stands and succumbs to their proposal. Peter takes her away from the wall and towards the open door of an ambulance that makes her body tremble with terror. When she sits inside she observes Jo and Charlie talking against the wall. He's probably telling her everything about Molly. Her name, her school, what happens there, how screwed up her life must seem to him. He's probably telling her about the CCTV footage but Molly doubts they'll review it unless a crime has been committed.

Tonight didn't happen the way she wanted but it's fine, Molly will adapt. All she has to do is lie her way through the next few hours and she can go home and then try again tomorrow. Another day alive poses the risk of another day that he might find her. He's looking for her, she can feel it. He needs to correct his mistake.

Molly will not be his victim. He may have taken her life but he will not take her death. It belongs to her and always must. She will keep it safe, the last thing of hers he cannot destroy.

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