Chapter Thirty-One

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Pam and Daniel decide to tell the kids at dinner about Molly's adoption. Pam is the one that delivers the news while remaining sensitive toward Lily and Henley's feelings. Lily doesn't seem to care; she just sticks a thumb up at Molly and then puts her headphones back on. Henley squeals with excitement and then asks them what adoption means. Daisy responds by jumping across the table to sit in Molly's lap. Molly was doing good with holding in her tears but Daisy is a professional at making them come out.

"You're staying forever?" Daisy says into her ear.

"Not forever but for a long time," Molly says back.

At the request from her mother, Daisy reluctantly retreats back to the other side of the table. Molly turns her attention to Henley who is chewing his peas slowly and sadly. Pam is looking at him too and Molly swears she sees a tear running down her cheek but it's so quick that it's gone in a moment.

"Henley, do you want to play with the animal farm after dinner?" Daisy asks him.

"Okay, Daisy," Henley says quietly.

"Did you speak to Doctor Ranch?" Pam asks Molly.

Molly nods. "Yeah, he was really happy. I thought he was going to start crying. He's coming to see me on Monday."

"I'm confused," Daniel says, looking between Pam and Molly. "He's coming to see you for a therapy session?"

Molly nods, ducking her head down.

"Who's paying for that? Technically, you're still registered with Helen."

"I've cancelled my therapy with Helen," Molly says. "Doctor Ranch is helping me without pay."

"Do you think that's wise?" Daniel says. "You need consistency."

"He's the most consistent person on the planet," Molly says. "He won't let me down."

"If Molly wants to continue seeing Doctor Ranch then we'll make it work," Pam says. "Whatever it takes to get her better right?"

"Right," Daniel agrees, though Molly can tell the conversation isn't closed.

Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she glances down to read the message from Lauren. It's the fifth message she's sent today.

You really gonna let me go dancing on my own? I know you want to, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just fun! Pick you up at 9?

Molly sighs and puts her phone back in her pocket. She wants to go out desperately, to experience a normal life desperately, but there's always one thing holding her back. She wishes she could be that confident twelve-year-old girl again, the girl who never said no to anything, the girl that embraced life and everything it could give. Despite it being a lifetime ago she still remembers how it felt, she remembers how sure it made her about herself and the world.

"Have you spoken to him?" Pam asks Molly suddenly. She is grinning wryly. "You know, since earlier?"

"No," Molly says. "I think I blew it."

"You can not blow anything by kissing someone. Trust me."

"You kissed someone?" Daisy shouts. "Who?"

"It was just a moment thing," Molly says, dismissing her own feelings completely. "I was just. . . really grateful."

Pam laughs, nudging Daniel's shoulder. "A moment thing. You like him don't you?"

Molly's cheeks flush with embarrassment and she ducks her head back down. "I'm not answering that."

"Text him," Pam says. "Tell him he's a really good kisser and you want to do it again."

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