Chapter Forty-Three

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Molly arrives at Pam's family home in Bakersfield. They had to take two cars so Molly had to endure the entire trip listening to Pam and Daisy singing cheesy songs at the top of their lungs. They split Daisy and Henley up purposely so neither of them received headaches but the ride was just as bad, if not worse.

The house is massive. It's a grand mansion that sits upon a steep hill overlooking the entire city. Molly knew Pam came from a rich family but even this is impressive beyond Molly's imagination. She's never met Pam's parents before and she's beginning to feel nervous as she sees the house staff lining up at the turning circle to greet them.

"Alright, kids, remember your training," Pam says as she stares through the window. "Heads high, shoulders back, and don't look them in the eye for too long. They smell fear, they'll use it against you."

"You're kidding right?" Molly laughs.


Molly exits the car and Pam walks around to the back to retrieve the gifts from the trunk. Daisy wastes no time with running towards the man and woman that are emerging from the large, open doorway. She dives right into their arms while Molly joins Lily and Henley who are as nervous and as still as her.

"What do we do?" Lily says.

Molly takes Henley's hand. "I guess we go meet them."

Pam and Daniel start to empty their cars, passing the butlers their luggage. Molly walks Henley up the steep steps towards the strangers that are smiling at her. The woman has long white hair, a beautiful blend of blonde and grey, and she wears a white outfit with diamond sandals. Pam looks just like her. And the man is tall with a small, grey beard, his eyes are the kindest eyes Molly has ever looked into. Their names are Gwen and Edward. Molly has studied their faces from photographs but they look so much more glamorous in person.

"You must be Lily," Gwen says, pulling her into a tight embrace. Lily just stiffens. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She draws back and crouches down. "Little Henley, I've heard all about you. You've been looking after our Daisy haven't you?"

Henley nods. "Your house is very big."

Gwen laughs, standing up. Her light blue eyes flash with warmth when she looks at Molly. "And you must be Molly. You're even prettier in person. Welcome to the family."

"Thanks," Molly says. Gwen's arms wrap around her and like Lily she freezes.

"Make yourselves at home," Gwen says. "Kids, there's a game room just to the left, Daisy will show you. Have fun."

"This way!" Daisy squeals, running through the doorway. Henley and Lily follow behind her, Henley is more excited.

"Molly, come with me." Gwen links her arm with Molly's and guides her inside. "I want you to meet everyone."

Molly's head rolls up to the ceiling as she stares at the giant chandelier dozens of feet above her. She turns her head all around as Gwen takes her through the mansion, there's so many rooms. There are people everywhere. Some are dusting artefacts and shelves, others are polishing the shiny, marble floor that is so clean Molly can see her reflection in it.

"The kitchen is back there." Gwen points towards a door at the end of a hallway. "We have three chefs that will make you anything you want; you need only ask. This is the family room."

Molly enters a spacious room filled with Christmas decorations and tinsel. The tree is the biggest she's ever seen, it covers an entire corner and it has so many flashing, coloured lights that it makes her dizzy. The couches are long and flat but she's not oblivious to the several people sat on them, staring at her.

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