Chapter Twenty-One

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Molly spent most of her Sunday morning listening to Daisy and Henley talk about everything they did yesterday. Lily was more interested in the dog and she sat with him on the bed for a long time while staying mostly silent about the visit. Lily is old enough to understand why Molly is there and Pam and Daniel have probably explained as much as they can without drawing too much attention to it. They sit at the other end of the room observing, unable to ask Molly the questions that she can tell they want to. Daisy and Henley have brought colouring books with them and Molly has helped them colour through half of the thing. It's felt good to see them because she didn't think she would again.

"Mum and Dad said you're sick," Daisy says quietly while Henley is distracted. "When will you get better?"

The question catches Molly off guard but it doesn't pain her to answer it. It's the truth, she is sick. "I'm not sure," she says.

"You don't look sick."

"It's a different kind of sick," Lily answers. "You'll understand when you're older."

"Oh," Daisy mumbles. "What kind of sick is that?"

Molly smiles and leans closer. "I'm poorly in my mind." She touches her forehead and Daisy becomes confused. "You know how some really bad things happened to me? Well, sometimes they make me extra sad and I don't know how to cope with them. So, this is the only place that I can try and stop those bad things from making me sad again."

"How sad do they make you?"

"Really sad," Molly says breathlessly. "But I'm better today after seeing you." Molly cups Daisy's face in her hand and smiles. "And I'll keep getting better."

Something in Daisy's eyes changes. Molly stares in shock as Daisy starts to cry and then the little girl wraps her arms around her. Molly holds her closely, prompting Henley to run around to the other side of the bed and join in.

"I want you to come home," Daisy whispers. "I don't want you to be sad anymore."

"I want you to come home too," Henley says.

Molly closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she holds their heads. When she opens them, she finds Pam and Daniel staring at her with concern. Home means something different to Molly and they know that.

"Say your goodbyes now," Pam says. "It's time to leave."

"Can we come back tomorrow?" Daisy asks.

"Yeah, we'll come back after school," Daniel says. "Molly needs some rest. You've overwhelmed her enough for one day."

Daisy groans and her arms tighten around Molly's shoulders. "I'll take really good care of your book," she says.

"Thank you," Molly says. "Be good, okay? Both of you."

"Bye, Molly," Henley says as he waves and turns towards the door.

They wait next to the door with their books in their arms but Pam and Daniel don't seem to move that way.

"Lily can you take the kids outside for a minute? We'll be out shortly."

Lily nods and waves goodbye to Molly as she opens the door and ushers the children into the hallway. Molly moves further down the bed and she sits on the end to stroke Shiloh as her foster parents attempt to act subtle.

"We've spoken with your Principal," Pam says delicately. "He's going to talk to the board tomorrow about extending your absence to two weeks."

"We can appeal for longer but that's up to you," Daniel says.

"Your social worker has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday. She might want to talk to you."

They exchange a look, one that Molly knows well. It's a look every adult wears before they summon the courage to give her bad or life-changing news.

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