A Cold Morning's Journey In November

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Winter speaks –

Atop a furrowed rise a steel sentinel

  throws its arms out to the wide horizon’s aching, restless needy.

This is an equal embrace: of the cold shards of hoar frost and

  a fixed and lonely vigil.

A city’s life surges through its cold, dead bones and

We pass by, seen and unseen, past blue smoke breathed from

  rare but homely fires; past trees

  caught in the dawn’s golden light; past the

  brown earth and twisted boughs from which we flee daily,

  seeking refuge in the clamour of the city.

The rattle and clatter has long since gone and now the

  chatter of iron is for those sentinels – not us.

Instead, the murmur of discontented lives plays out

against the insulated burr of progress.

Winter speaks – a quieter season.

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