The Old Year

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The old year snuck away quietly,

Slipping out the calendar door between

A strange burst of warmth and sunshine

And January's silver tongues of frost.

We were glad to see it go,

Hobbling away over memory's horizon,

A grab bag stuffed with pain and loss

Slung over its shoulder,

Spitting, swearing - and muttering

Dark untruths as it receded,

Worn and embittered.

I remember how it came to us,

Ringing with song, soaked in wine and

Bullish with expectations of enduring

Love and earned reward and new lives.

We cheered as fireworks sparked,

Sending sweet words around the world,

Texts of friendship and desire in

This moment of fresh starts,

Yearning, hoping - and offering

Silent prayers as the new year blazed,

Young and arrogant.

This year we promised to be wiser,

Avoiding that contrived innocence in

Tabula Rasa and promises to self of

Grace and kindness and forgiveness.

We raised our glasses thoughtfully,

Fearing tomorrow's hidden hurts,

Thinking silently on who might feel

That first cut of time's knife,

Doubting, worrying - and wondering

Which of us might offer tired surrender,

Spent and accepting.

3rd January, 2019

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