A Morning In October

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Streetlights flail their dim glow in this October murk,

A wet gloom that paints the sky and earth in

Shades of grey and suffocates with heavy air.

Summer's confident refrain of glorious sun

Subsides, its colours and its warmth long spent.

Lazy afternoons spent lying in lush meadows are

Tugged to memory by Winter's  trainbearer:

Flame-haired Autumn, frosty spears hid beneath

A storm-stitched cloak of lengthening nights.

And as the crowds hurry past, bent against the rain,

Leaves that once rustled with Spring's boast,

Promising  sweet-scented flowers and fat fruit,

Rattle dully in the gutters, their slow rot visited

Upon us, it seems, more quickly and more sadly

With each year that passes by.

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