10. Ask her to marry me (...)

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Christmas was wonderful. We spent them with the family in our home. It's been a long time since I felt so relaxed and happy.

Alice and I got a week off right after Christmas, which meant a lot of preparations for New Year's Eve. We were quite busy, we didn't have much time for ourselves. Additionally, Betty and Jughead started arguing more and more and we had to deal with them as well.

"New Year is my favourite event" Alice sat down on the couch, coffee mug in hand.

"Mine too," I muttered and sat down next to her. I put one arm around her waist and placed the other on her thigh.

"Don't talk to me!" We heard Betty's voice from above and the loud bang of the door.

"I don't think they are all in a good mood as we are" Alice laughed softly and sipped her coffee.

"Definitely not," I agreed and shook my head.

"I'm going out," Betty said as she walked past us.

"Hey, hey, wait! Where are you going?" Alice looked at her daughter.

"I don't know yet, but I'm definitely not going to do anything stupid, okay? Give me a break!" she screamed and went to the door.

"Okay, just give me a call or text where you are," Alice said. Betty nodded and left the house.

"Okay, how about a glass of wine?" I asked and Alice smiled.

"That's a good idea, definitely," she patted my thigh and stood up. "Sit down, I'll pour"

"Okay, boss," I laughed. "I'll go to Jughead for a while, talk to him"

"Okay, hun. I know he'll definitely need you now"

I looked at her with a smile. A wonderful woman!

"I love you, you know?" I said, getting up from the couch.

"Love you too," she replied, opening a bottle of sweet wine.

On the stairs, I glanced at her again, then went to my son's room.

"Hey buddy, are you holding on?" I asked as I entered the room.

"Somehow" Jughead sat on the bed and put the book on the bedside table. "You know what sucks?"

"No, tell me" I sat down next to him.

"If I break up with Betty, it's gonna be a bit silly living together, don't you think?"

"What are you insinuating?"

"Nothing, I'm just trying to tell you that being in a relationship with the daughter of a woman your old man is in a relationship with is fucking complicated and full of surprises"

"Wow, wow, wow, slow down a bit," I said and got out of bed. I walked around the room. "I'm not gonna break up with Alice just because you and Betty keep arguing."

"I don't order you to break with her, but maybe they should move out"

"You must be forgetting yourself, Jughead. You have no right to order me over"

"I don't do this-"

"You're trying" I pointed my finger at him. "Get along with Betty. I don't know what went wrong, but I don't think it's an insoluble problem."

"She's stubborn. She doesn't want to listen to me! She doesn't understand that I want to help her."

"Wanna tell me what you guys had a fight about?"

"No, it's between me and her" Jughead said and grabbed the book. "Only between us"


"How was it, tiger? What did Jughead say?" Alice asked when I came to her. I put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. I needed her closeness. In fact, I couldn't part with her a step. I was crazy about this woman.

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