8. Inform her about the divorce with Gladys(...)

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Christmas is coming, and instead of thinking about the colour of decorations we would be hanging on the Christmas tree this year, I was thinking about divorcing Gladys. I wondered why she was extending it all.

The situation at home was tense. Alice talked to me normally, but I felt in her behaviour that she was distancing herself from me. She didn't want to touch me, she didn't want to kiss me. Apparently what Gladys said to her was very much in her head. And I didn't know how I could help her.

I felt like a moron because everyday explanation in words 'it's not that easy' or 'give me time, give me time and I'll get this done' was already exhausting. Whatever I say or do now, Alice will treat it with great distrust.

I didn't feel like a real guy right now, I felt like a kid who couldn't fight for something he cares about.

Finally, one day of this circus (I couldn't find another word to describe how I was feeling right now) I decided to meet Gladys. I contacted her and asked for a meeting. She agreed, but on the condition that we meet in one of the pubs in Greendale. Okay, I could agree to such a condition. Now I had to inform Alice about it.

"Al" I entered the bedroom.

Alice was sitting on the bed reading a book. She looked up at me slightly.

"Yes?" she asked softly.

"I talked to Gladys," I said, and she nodded, but I noticed the nervousness in her eyes.

"Yes?" she asked again. Naturally, she wanted to know more.

"I'm going to meet her at Greendale to talk about the divorce"

She huffed as she heard the word divorce and went back to reading the book.

"You know how funny that sounds in your mouth, FP? How many more times you will meet her to talk about divorce?" on the last word she made double quotes in the air.

"I know," I replied and rolled my eyes. "I know it, Alice, but this time I will definitely be able to talk to her about it. I swear to you, even though I know you don't believe me!"

"I can believe you, I have nothing to lose, FP," she said and closed her eyes for a moment. "When are you going to Greendale?"

"Today, now. I just wanted to tell you about it, so you wouldn't think I'm leaving you."

"Drive carefully and call me when you get there" she looked at me and smiled slightly.

"This will be the first thing I do when I arrive" I swore and walked over to kiss her forehead. Then I left the room and went straight to the garage.


After an hour's drive, the navigation led me to my destination. I parked my car in the parking lot by the bar called Knock on wood. I knew that Greendale was home to the Spellman family about which people are telling many interesting and dark stories,  but I did not think that the inhabitants were so afraid of them.

I got out of the car and as soon as I stretched my legs I called Alice to tell her I had arrived. She replied that she was happy and that she wished me good luck. I smiled to myself, knowing she was a bit worried about how Gladys would go.

I went inside the pub and sat down at one of the empty tables. The pub was nice enough, there was a large wood-burning fireplace near me. A waiter came up to me and asked if I would like to order something. Honestly, I was a bit cold so I decided to take a large cafe latte.

I looked at my watch, a little impatient. Gladys didn't show up yet. Maybe she was delayed on the road. I was about to call her when she entered the pub.

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