1. Make sure she eats her meals (and even feed her if necessary).

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I came back home tired. 
I threw my coat on the couch and went to the kitchen. 

I looked at Betty, who was sitting down at the table. A plate of food lay against her. 

"She still didn't eat anything?"  I asked quietly and she shook her head. 

"Nope. She didn't even want to talk to me today," she said with tears in her eyes. 

The view of a helpless mother suffering from depression was not a great view for a child. 

Each of us was devastated by this situation with the farm and what tortures Alice had there.

"I'll go to her, give me a plate," I said and she sighed heavily. 

"No, the food is already cold. Maybe I'll make her sandwiches?" she looked at me and I scratched my chin. 

"No, Betty. I have a better idea."  I pulled my wallet from my pants pocket and handed Betty my credit card. 

"Go to Pop. Order a burger with double cheese, large fries, and a chocolate shake." 

"What why?"  she asked and I smiled. 

"This is her favorite food and this is our last resort, Betty,"  I added and she nodded.

"I'll be back soon" she jumped up from the table and ran to the door. 

"Watch out on the road, kiddo. Remember, you live with a cop under one roof," I pointed at her with my index finger and she rolled her eyes. 

When I was alone, I went to the bathroom to take a quick bath and change into loose, fresh clothes. 

In the meantime, I turned on the laundry. 

Even though I was an alcoholic, I always took care of the house.

I went upstairs to the bedroom to see what Alice was doing. I entered the room quietly and all I saw was the blood on the panels leading to the bathroom.

Oh, fuck! No, no, no...

My heart started beating quickly, and cold sweat covered my body.

"ALICE!" I shouted and ran into the bathroom. I noticed her sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around her forearm.

"FP" she whispered, tears in her eyes. "It's not what you think. I reached for perfume and slipped, the floor must have been wet. I hit my hand on the mirror and ... cut my arm. I know it looks like an attempted suicide ... But I don't ..." I saw how hard it is for her to say something.

She was scared, helpless. I immediately knelt in front of her and grabbed her forearm.

At first, she tried to pull out her hand and move away from me, but I didn't let her. I took her hand as gently as I could.

"You don't have to explain to me, Alice. You didn't do anything wrong," I whispered.

I grabbed her chin with my free hand and lifted her head to meet her eyes. Her eyelids were tightly closed, and more fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

Why was she afraid? What was she afraid of?

"Relax, okay?" I whispered as warmly as I could and she nodded. "I'll just look at your hand," I added. "Open your eyes," I said gently, and she shook her head. "Okay. You will do it when you are ready"

I quickly and gently took care of her wound and kissed the cut. I felt her tense and her hand clenched into a fist.

I knew I had to be patient with her. I didn't expect her to throw herself in my arms right away. She survived hell on the farm.

"You didn't eat anything?" I asked quietly as I helped her lie back on the bed.

She shook her head.

"Aren't you hungry?"

This time she made no move, just looked at me for a moment.

"You're hungry, right?" I asked again all the time with a smile. She nods her head gently. "You didn't want to eat what Betty brought you?"

I didn't want to use the word 'why' because I knew that she could find the word pretentious. I didn't want her to blame me.

"I sent Betty to Pop's for food. Your favorite food.  She should be here right now, "I said as I looked at my watch. Alice nodded. "Do you want to sit in silence?  "I asked and she nodded again.

Alice was like a puppet and seeing her like that hurt me so much. Whatever I said, she agreed.

I wanted her to protest once. I want my real Alice back.

"Can I sit next to you? " I asked and she looked at me with wide eyes." Okay, I'll sit in the armchair then." I smiled cheerfully at her and she returned my smile slightly.

"Food!" I heard Betty's voice and left the room to pick up a bag and after a while, I returned to the room and this time I sat down next to Alice. 

"Here it is. Something you like," I said with a smile. 

"Okay" she replied quietly, very quietly and looked at the bag. "That's... nice"

"Check what's in it" I encouraged and she looked uncertainly inside the bag. 

She smiled and... her smile was beautiful. 

She pulled out the fries and started to eat them, but after a while, she put them down and looked at me and then on her knees. I couldn't let her starve so I decided to feed her. 

"We'll eat together.  I won't let you starve, Alice. You have to eat, "I said and she nodded. 

She looked at me and opened her mouth when I started feeding her with fries. 

I had the feeling she liked being fed. I also liked it.

The next day I prepared dinner for her again... and I fed her again.  After a few days, it became a habit.  Eating meals together has become our tradition.  And Alice's joy was indescribable.

A/N: First chapter is ready! Nine to go!

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