4. Assure her that she is the most beautiful to me.

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A/N: Well, Yes. I'm alive.

When I thought everything was slowly going back to normal, that Alice's mental state had improved, I received a call from her psychiatrist.  

She told me that Alice didn't show up again and that it was worrying. I felt angry because Alice had cheated me.  She said she was going to therapy all the time, that she was taking medicine ... On the other hand, I was afraid of her.  If she wasn't going to therapy, where could she be?  I called everyone.  Hermione, Freda, Sierre, Tom, I even called Cheryl to see if Alice might have gone to visit her grandchildren.

Unfortunately, no one saw her and had no idea where she could be.  Anxiously inside, I took the car keys and left the house.  I got in the car and drove straight ahead.  I had to find her.

In the meantime, I called Betty.

"Hi, Mr. Jones. Did something happen?"

"No, of course, no," I said in the most normal tone I could afford. "I'm just calling to find out ... Did Alice tell you something about shopping when she left the house today?"

It didn't sound convincing ...

"No, she didn't say anything. But I doubt she would go shopping without me," I heard her sigh. "Do you know anything about visiting a psychiatrist? Is there an improvement?"

I could guess she would ask about it.

"Yes, Betty. We're going in the right direction," I replied. I heard a school bell on the other side of the phone. "Okey, Betty. Go back to class. See you at home," I said and hung up.

Now I was even more panicked than before.

After driving for an hour around the city, I came back resigned home, thinking about what Betty would say when he returned from school.

Your mother is missing and I don't know where she is, even though I'm a sheriff and I should know everything about the 70,000 inhabitants of this fucking city!

I was furious! But my anger passed when I saw Alice sitting in the living room on the sofa.

"Alice," I said with a smile, and soon became serious. "Where were you?" I asked in a more harsh tone.

"In therapy and then shopping" she smiled. She was such a good actress, she was able to hide her emotions with one artificial smile.

"I was worried about you" I came up to her and she patted my cheek.

"Unnecessary. I didn't answer the phone from you because at night I forgot to charge it and it was only on the way to therapy that I realized that I had a critical battery level. And then it had to discharge when I was writing a message to Betty," she said. "I bought a new book, very interesting," she said, changing the subject.

"I know you weren't in therapy," I finally said, and she looked at me in surprise. She pulled away from me and stood up.

"You follow me?" she asked quietly and I shook my head.

"No, Alice. Of course not," I approached her, pulled out a book from her hands, and threw it on the sofa. "Your psychiatrist called me that you didn't show up for your appointment," I answered honestly.

"Okay ..." she said softly and sighed heavily. "I admit, I wasn't in therapy today, I didn't want to go there"

She missed me and went to the kitchen. She pulled a bowl of vegetables out of the fridge and set them on the kitchen counter.

"Why?" I asked gently and followed her. I leaned my hips on the kitchen island.

"I'll make a salad with chicken or tuna ... Betty doesn't like tuna ..." she muttered under her breath.

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